Inventors and Them

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Everything was happening on cross of the disabled Graham's mansion - his friends call him Graham the deaf- it happened in couple of hours and finished. Jack was ready at 08.17, he tied up his boots, tied up his belt, his hat on his head and his stick, they were all ready to go, he got on the carriage. He opened the window, curtains were so dark, even in a sunny day they can make the carriage pitch black, he didn't need to do that, day was cloudy and dark anyway. Only thing he thought, "if this man is not capable for this, if he doesn't know anything about chemistry, how about if he can't give me what he promised?" Would all the things that he made be a worthless? How about his precious thing alcohol, making a drink out of that, would it be worthless? He was so scared, looked at his pocket watch, " it's 8.52, where is this man, couldn't he make it again, couldn't understand the recipe? 72 calories per every ounce, it's so easy thing to understand, dummy John!" Time was against to him, this is going to be their 7th meeting, if this not going to be good, he would have gave over. "How can't he make it, there is a recipe, there are ingredients. How can't you make a drink for 6 times!" Sunday morning 10.00, St Marie Church's bell rang, John knocked the door, Jack was so surprised, so excited, shut his eyes - he didn't know why he did that, it was so dark anyway- he opened the door. "Here Prince, 7th experiment, is ready to drink." Jack didn't know what to do, grabbed the bottle, had a glass of it, yes that was it, he could taste all the ingredients one by one, they were all put in precisely and right much. Impatient Jack "go on Bill, make these bloody horses go, we're going sell this beverage to the world" he shouted with a big smile on his face. Yes he did that, everyone knew Mr Jack in the world. Dummy Johnnie? In somewhere, with his red boots, yellow jacket, a hat and with his walking stick, he keeps walking, on his own. Deaf Graham? First time he heard his girlfriend's voice, Alessandra Lolita Oswaldo, he broke his machine. Life kept going on, they were all fell asleep at 22.59.

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