rivals pt. 1 [hiccanna]

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"Ella, there is no way that I'm partnering with Haddock Holdings. Only on the day I die." I huffed,

"It'll be good for both companies, though." She replied,

"I don't c-"

"You'll get more money." She coaxed,

"Fine, you'll stop bothering me, then I'll do it."

"Yay!" She cheered,

"Yes, I totally can't wait for the media to have a field day when they find out that I'm partnering with my rival." I said sarcastically.

"I'll go tell the whole office!" Ella squealed and before  I could tell her not to, she was out the door.

Yes, you read it right folks, Anna DiArens, self made millionaire at age 23 and CEO of Aren Shares Corp., is partnering with Hiccup Haddock, 25, self made millionaire CEO of Haddock Holdings Inc. We can't wait for more details and will totally keep you posted!
This article was written by Ariel Atlantica.

I wanted to fling my iPad halfway across my room when I finished reading the article. Who had let slip that I was  partnering with Hiccup?

I ran my fingers through my hair and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end said,

"What do you want DiArens?"

"Look, Haddock, if we're going to work together, then we have to at least be civil and know how the other person works."

"Fine, see you tomorrow." He said, and I could practically here the smirk on his face.

Hey! I hope you liked the chapter and yeah that's about it cos I have nothing really interesting to talk about atm. Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote, and ignore any mistakes.

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