cheap thrills [jarida]

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Somehow, they had managed to drag me here.

I sat in the corner of the kitchen clutching my red Solo cup, and staring at it's contents. None of it looked appetizing. My eyes wandered over to Rapunzel, who was currently dancing like a drunk idiot with her boyfriend. Then to Anna, who was taking shots with Kristoff. I groaned.

"I take it you're not the party type?" a voice asked. I jumped and a little of whatever was in the cup spilled on my jeans. I growled.

"Clearly," I seethed at the voice. I turned and saw that it was Jack Frost. He was in a couple of my classes at school, and we'd once had to do a project together but I didn't know him that well.

"Wanna leave then?" he asked. I raised a brow at him, then scrunched up my face, realizing that what he said sounded extremely suggestive.

"I don't do cheap thrills," I sighed, looking away. Jack took a step forward.

"Woah, not that."

"Then what?" Jack Frost smirked and tapped his chin, failing at trying to be cute. I turned away, rolling my eyes and made the mistake of putting the cup to my mouth to drink. I stopped myself before the mystery liquid could touch my lips.

"Let's go vandalize some stuff," he said, in all seriousness.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked, though I knew the answer to that question.

"I'm not kidding," he answered. His blue eyes were dead set and determined. He'd chosen me and there was no way that I was getting out of this. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do you have a fast car then?" I asked. The question seemed irrelevant but if we were going to be doing illegal business, then we'd need a good getaway car.

"Sure I do," he replied, running a hand through his hair.

"Fine, do you have, like, spray paint or anything?"

"Yeah, who do you think I am?" he laughed at his own stupid joke.

An idiot, is what I thought he was, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Let's go then, and quickly before any of the girls catch me," I said and grabbed Jack's hand, dragging him out of the stuffy crowded air of the party and outside, where all the air was real and clear. I sighed as I followed Jack to his car.

"We need to be back before the party's over, and just so you know, I think this is a completely and totally stupid, pointless idea."

"Yeah, yeah, keep whining," he groaned, rolling his eyes as we cruised along the street. We stopped at an abandoned overpass that the sketchy kids went to everyday after school, and Jack handed me my spray paint. It was bright red. I smiled and looked at Jack who was looking at me.

"Whaddya think you're gonna paint?"

"Most likely a big 'M' or something of the sort," I smiled at him, because for the first time, this seemed like it could actually be fun. He smiled back and shook his can of spray paint - which was blue - before going over to the left side of the overpass and spraying a big 'J' in a cool graffiti sort of style.

Once he was finished, he stepped back to look at his handiwork, and nodded, seemingly satisfied with it. Now it was my turn. I walked up to the other side of the overpass, shook the can, and sprayed the 'M' on.

"Now everyone will know that we visited," he said. Everyone or no one, because some people most likely couldn't care less. 

"Great, now let's leave while the leaving is good," I said and ran for his car. I heard his footsteps behind me and soon he had sprinted past me but he wasn't going for the car. Instead, he ran past me and toward the small field on the other side of the overpass. I stopped and saw Jack standing in the middle of the field staring up at the big, bright moon.

I wanted to go back to the car, but I wanted to be with Jack at the same time. So, I ran for Jack and together, that night, we just stared up at the sky, which was slowly swallowed by the moon, or so it seemed.

Jack turned and looked at me, then smiled.

"I thought you didn't do cheap thrills."

"I don't."

"But we just vandalized an overpass, and that didn't cost any money, but it was hella thrilling." I laughed at him.

"So maybe it wasn't that bad."

Sup! It's been so long since I updated this book for real, and I feel like that one-shot sucked, so I'm sorry if it was sub-par. Anyway, this chapter is part of my little birthday week special where I update as much as can before Wednesday. So, expect more updates.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote, and please ignore any mistakes because the majority of this chapter was written on mobile, and I seriously don't know how badly autocorrect messed up lol. This chapter is dedicated to Da_Spider_Writer because she's an awesome follower, and she's super-supportive, also thank you for the birthday wishes<33

cheap thrills by sia bc super fun song, and bc the name of the chapter lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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