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Before I start the story I thought I should introduce myself and the story. The character "Nova," is partially based off of me. (Don't worry I am not abused) She represents my sadness and anger. But also my happiness. This is going to be like Peter is the older brother and maybe Iron dad. I don't know if I'm going to be serious about writing this, but I think I will! I'm going to try and post once a week at least. Feel free to give me recommendations on my writing, this is the first time I have ever written something for the public, and keep in mind I'm like 14 so my writing might not be up to standards but people say I'm good at writing.

Also know that the story might go a bit slow because I want you to understand and get a feel on all the characters, and I don't want to rush the story. Ok?
Keep in mind that this happens right before civil war, but they resolve their issues so the Avengers can stay together. Tony was already married to Pepper, (sorry Stony and Iron Strange fans) and Morgan is already born and about 4 years old.

Feel free to make suggestions if you want! I'll be doing everything I can to provide a great story to read!

Take care of yourselves, bye!

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now