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I want Nova back.

The Avengers have been taking turns trying to distract me with movies and card games, but I really miss her. A few hours ago, we got a location saying she was using her power more then normal. I'm prepared to fight whoever took her away. Mr. Strange raises his hands and the sparkly lights appear. It turn into a portal to the location. The Avengers all run into it and I follow behind Mr. Stark. It's dark, and some melted shiny lump sits on the floor. On top of it is Nova, groaning in pain.

I run to her side, but Mr. Stark's arm holds me back. "What are you doing? Let me get to her," I say. I've been worrying for about a day and that's as much as I can take.

She slowly turns her head to me, and offers a weak smile. Her cheeks are tear stained, and she looks like someone tossed her in a fire. Now that I look around, most of this place looks like it's been on fire. That must have been her.

"Pete, wait," Mr. Stark says. He carefully walks closer to her while holding up a repulser blast just in case someone comes in. He almost reaches her, if he takes five more steps he can help her. But the door bursts open and about 12 dudes come in with guns. "Step away from the girl, and we won't fire," one of them says. I look up in shock. It's the man who hurt her. She called him killer. "What? How are you here?" I ask. He gives me a smirk that makes shivers run down my spine. "Different variants of me are across the multiverse. The other me failed to get the job done. Turned into a real disappointment after she left. I on the other hand, will not hesitate to kill of half the planet if it means succeeding." He's crazy. "Sorry, bud," Mr. Stark speaks up. "I'm not going to let that happen."

He smiles, and waves in someone else. I'm tired of talking. I'm ready to fight whatever reinforcement he brings. "Hey, honey," May says to me. Wait, what? "May? What's going on here? Why are you with him? It's dangerous here!" May walks to me and I take a step back. My Spidey senses are going crazy. "Hon, let them take Nova. It'll keep me alive. Don't you want that?" She asks me. "Alive? What do you mean? I- I don't understand." She sighs and reaches to Pat my head, but Mr. Stark shields me.

"Peter, when she had an outburst and brought you all to her universe, her power hurt people in this one. Radioactive issues. It made me sick. Very sick. I only have a month left to live." I feel tears in my eyes, and if my Spidey senses weren't going off, I would have ran to her to hug her. "But if we can take her back to her universe, we can find a cure for me. Don't you want that? And besides, I want to see the full extent of her Power. It's what all my friends and associates here at HYDRA believe and want to know."

"That's enough. You work with HYDRA, you work against us," Bucky speaks up. The rest of the Avengers get into fighting positions, and I'm ready to get Nova out of here. I can't believe May. The person who was the closest to a mom to me, betrayed me. "Pete, you and Nova get away from here. It's going to be ugly," Mr. Stark tells me. I nod. I'm ready.

All of us charge at the agents, who run to us. They all start to shoot as the rest of the Avengers fight. But I need to get Nova out of here. And I want to talk to May. But I can't see her anywhere in this small, crowded room. May and Killer aren't there either. They must have left with her.

I climb on the ceiling to get to the hallway, and into another room, where there's a machine similar to the one they were building in Nova's universe. They hook her up to the machine, and turn it on, ready to leave this universe. "Spider-Man! Don't do it!" I hear Mr. Stark call for me. But they're about to leave with Nova. I can't let them take her away from me. So, I jump in the portal with them, I grab onto Nova's hand.

And I won't let go.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now