Who am I?

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⚠️ WARNING⚠️ Gore.
Also just know that this chapter and the next happen in our universe.
................8 months ago................ ...

I'm fine. I'm totally fine.
     My eyes. They're so heavy. So puffy from what I can only assume is from crying, although I can barely remember it.
     Cold. The wet grass would have made me shiver if I had the energy to.

And warmth. Something warm, smelling of iron, coming right out of the massive pain in my ears. I knew that I had been screaming earlier, my sore throat is a remnant of that.
I need to get up.
'What the hell is going on?'
I push myself up, my head spinning as I do. I reach up for my aching ears, nearly screaming as my fingertips brush upon what sent shockwaves of pain around my body.
'Shredded. I need help.'
Only then do I realize, who do I call for help? Who do I know? Is there a place I can go to?
Then another thought enters my mind, one that scared me.
'Who am I?'
I don't know.
I really need to find someone. Whoever hurt me might be back. I feel a needle at my neck, and pull out a tranquilizer.
'All drained,' I thought. That must have been the reason I was asleep in the middle of no where. I must have been shot.
   While my mind is still foggy, I stand up on my feet, trying my best to ignore the pain in my ears. Screaming would only increase the pain in my throat.
    I pull up my hood.
'It's best if the person hurt me is nearby, they can't see me. Can't recognize me.'
    I see building lights in the distance, inviting me back into a world where people don't wake up in the middle of the woods.
    I walk, nearly fainting in the span of a few minutes. Blood loss? Maybe.
    I enter the first building I see, a small convenience store across the road from the woods.
   The worker must be taking a break, since they aren't anywhere to be found. I take a bag of chips, realizing how hungry I am. I also find a few band-aids, and sanitizer. I don't know how to fix up wounds, but this should help at least a little.

   I lean on the counter, watching a box. A box which had moving picture's. 
'Incredible,' I think.
All of a sudden, a lady begins to talk about something. I would have no idea what, since for some reason I can't hear. But fortunately, I was able to read the subtitles.
    "Good evening, everyone. Here we have a video of the 'elemental girl,' once again, wreaking havoc around the city."
  The girl in the video had black hair up to her mid-back, and dark brown eyes. She wore dirty light bell bottom jeans and a teal jacket.
   I look down at myself.
'Same hair, jeans, jacket. Could that be me?'
    The girl presumed to be me was tackled, knife tearing the ears by an angry passerby.
    Gunshots were heard through the box, and the girl held out her hands, the bullets being sent back to the cops who fired and near civilians.
   The Clip ended.
    "Another tragedy caused by this unknown super-powered teen. Authorities are still trying to find out the identity of the girl. Later on in the video, we can see as an un-shot survivor hits her harshly in the head."
They show the very clip. The girl shoots something large surrounded by water through his head. She continues.
   "The girl is presumed dead due to severe injuries, but the search for her continues. The man who might have killed her, a hero. Could this be the start of a new line of super-powered individuals, ready to destroy our homes? Stay home and tune in tomorrow morning for updates."
    Could that really be me? I haven't even seen my face yet. I know, I know. The injuries match, clothing, hair. But I'm not a killer. I can't be super-powered. I don't want to hurt people.
'Please. I don't want... I can't...'
Tears form in my eyes as I mull over what I watched. The possibilities.
'NoNoNoNoNo,'I think.
'This can't be me.'
    The bathroom. I rush to the bathroom, looking at my face. My ears. Bloody and goo oozing out. Infection. Shreds. My ear is still attached, but still... shredded. The scar of it goes a bit below my cheekbones. On both of my ears.
    But worse then that. It's my face.
'Dear god...'
The girl on the box. She... and I...we are... or she... she is me.
     The realization hits me, and I sob on the floor.
A wave of nausea rolls through me, and I vomit into the toilet. I continue to cry.
A woman pokes her head into the bathroom wearing a concerned look on her face. Her mouth begins to move, but I can't hear her. I look at her as she realizes who I am.
She grabs a small glowing box out of her purse, dialing three numbers. She must be reporting me.
I push past her and out the door, tears still making their way through my eyes. I just want all of this to stop. I just want to wake up from this nightmare.
I clutch the bag of chips, band-aids and sanitizer, holding them close to my chest.
I run back to the damned woods where I woke up with my ears bleeding and head pounding. Back to the cold grass with the warm puddle I made myself.
I run. And I run. And I run. I run until my legs ache and my chest heaves and burns. But I keep going. I don't even know where the hell I am anymore.
I see something. In the distance.
'Must be trees,' I think. I need to make sure.
I walk to it. Almost feels like an eternity, but my shaking legs finally let me arrive.
A cabin. It's a cabin. Roof worn down and wood rotting. Windows shattered and beer bottles cover the outside floor.
The inside is worse. A single couch, shredded to pieces while the counter a few feet away has collapsed in on itself. Rotten food litters whatever part of the floorboards which aren't torn off. It's dark and smells like something died in here.
'Seems abandoned. Maybe I can stay here a while.'
I go to the torn up couch, and groan heavily as my ears touch the moldy leather.
'Tomorrow's a new day, it'll get better.'

A/N: Hi! What did you think of this first chapter? I know, I know, it's going slow. After the next chapter the Avengers come along. Next chapter isn't going to be so long I'm guessing. I'm going to try to be serious about this book. Feel free to give opinions on this first chapter. It's more of her background so you will get to understand her later. This story is going somewhere, you'll see. Have a good day everyone!!!

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