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A/N: This might be a bit bloodier than usual.

Sam raises her hands and fire shoots from them as what looks like octopus arms made of water emerge from her back. This is what I was supposed to be? She shivers and sweats so hard I can see it.

The HYDRA agents who experimented on me wanted to have the powers of the original without the side effects. I wonder if these are the side effects.

I ignore that and raise my own palms as freak number three climbs the ceiling. I haven't practiced this in a while. I feel that curse which I call now course through my veins and focus it at a group of about five people.

I have two powers. One less... restrained from the other. I decide to use the one that isn't going to hurt them as much. I reach into their minds and pull at something. That something is different from one person to the other. It's usually the part of their mind which is the least resistant.

'Fight each other,' I send a message into each of their heads, accompanied by a fake memory of why. It could be that maybe they remember the other killing a loved one. Whatever I want to plant in their heads, I can.

Their faces turn blank, then angry. They lunge at each other as they punch and yell.

Although this power doesn't have side effects, it has a time limit. Usually about a minute. The other one is too hostile. I grab one of the guns and try to fight with that.

Most of the men have been taken down by Sam, my original freak. The worlds royal screwup. But, who am I to judge? I'm one too.

But something's weird with her now. All the men who died at her hands, they don't even have a single scratch on them. Blood and organs litter the floor, some floating near her as she drinks it in. Her eyes are glowing red. This isn't good.

"Peter!" I call. "Get the hell over here now. Something's seriously wrong with Sam!" I hear rushed footsteps from across the hallway until I see the third freak pass the corner. His eyes widen as soon as he sees Sam.

A dozen more men run into the room with guns, but they all collapse as they start to vomit their blood, ice again, floating into Sam's mouth. This is weird. And a little too bloody, if you ask me.

Peter runs to her and rests his hands on her shoulders. "Novi?" He asks Sam. "C'mon, what's going on? This isn't you. Wake up." He starts to shake her shoulders. "Novi..." I should try to do something as well.

I should be able to use a little of my power right now. My curse. I bring out all the energy I have in me and focus it into her head. "Sam," I say to her. "Who's in control. Let me meet them," I tell her. Her red eyes drift to me, something changing. A small smile spreads across her face. When she opens her mouth, I definitely didn't expect to hear a demonic gravelly voice.

"You'll meet me again soon enough. I just needed some refueling." She looks at Peter and licks her lips. "I've never tried Spider-blood before. Maybe sometime in the near future." With that, she collapses to her knees and groans. Peter holds her on the floor.

"Novi," he starts. "Wake up, I know you're in there." I place a hand on her. "Wake up," I say. Her eyes flutter open, confused and glassy. "Peter, we gotta get outta here. Did you find the two people you were searching for?" He looks confused. Why can't any part of our escape from this universe be easy?

"They used a necklace which was absorbing her extra power. They- they got away." So that means that we have to find them again in his universe. We had to go there anyways, so it doesn't matter right now.

I help his adjust Sam on his back as we walk the hallways and into a room with a large machine. Peter starts placing wires on Sam, and she tries to swat them away. I can tell she's not really here. Like she's in that place between sleep and wake. Fantasy and reality. "No-" She tries to say. "Hurts."

Peter doesn't stop and motions me closer to him and into the portal machine. "It's ok, we'll all be home soon," he says to her. It wouldn't matter what he told her, I don't think she would listen right now. He starts to push buttons at a control panel. "You look like you've done this before. Have you," I ask him. He gives me a silent nod before pushing buttons and pulling levers.

"This is going to be a little intense," he says to me, and he turns it on. He steps in holding Sam, and I jump in after them. He was right.

Colors I never knew even existed flew past me, and it was like seeing thousands of realities. I was most likely going through thousands of realities.

We stay falling and yelling through this the whole time before I hit something hard. I look up to see a wall in a tech infested room. I see Peter run up to the man who is next to a similar looking machine hug him. "Mr. Stark, I was so scared. Please don't ever let me into an alternate universe again." I decide to crawl close to an unconscious Sam. She looks terrible. Worse than before. Her mouth has blood smeared all over it, her eyebags have gotten darker, and she looks extremely pale.

"It's alright Pete, but who is this other kid?" The man apparently named, "Mr. Stark," says. "I'll explain later," freak three says. It's not until I turn around, I realize that there are others in this room. Two men come up to Sam and me. One wears a white coat, and the other has a red cape. The red cape guy starts checking Sam while the coat man talks to me. "I'm doctor Bruce Banner," he starts. "I need to see if you're hurt. Are you?" He asks me. I shake my head and edge away from him. I've never been one to trust people since the experiments. I could trust Sam and Peter; they're just like me. Freaks. But these people. Normal people, they don't understand anything. Clueless.

I see the cape man walk away with Sam and talk urgently with Bruce. "She doesn't have much time if we don't hurry," he says to Bruce. With that, they both run out the room with her. I get up and sit down on a nearby chair. Mr. Stark sits on another with Peter in his lap, carding his hands through Peter's hair. He looks like such a child.

And I don't want any part of this.

A/N: Hey guysss. Im chilling with my friend jemcrystals1 at the lake right now! I'm the one covering my face with a book. My friend is covering hers with a pink bag. Bye!


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Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now