✧ : tulkun : ✧

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IT WAS EARLY morning, the sun had already risen, and the clan was already awake. Meayora said today was special, but she did not tell me what was going to happen. It was a surprise, she said, and just to wait and see.

As I stepped out the Marui, the sun shone on his face as he lifted his forearm to block the bright light, squinting his eyes. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he finally looked around, to see people riding their Ilu's, and talking excitedly. Lo'ak walked around, the squishy texture of the walkways calming him, until he reached the heart.

There was a giant feast of seafood including fish, squid, urchins, seaweed, crab, shrimp, all you could find was there. He smiled, looking at all the varieties of food. He heard a familiar voice call out, as his eyes pricked up to land on Neteyam, who was waving his hand. Lo'ak made his way over, stealing a piece of a salmon off of Tuk's plate.

' Hey! ' She protested, her small face angry. He laughed, popping the food in his mouth as he sat down next to Neteyam.

' So what are your plans for today? ' Jake asked from the other side of the table, as he swallowed the food he had been chewing. Lo'ak shrugged, his hands fidgeting against his leg.

' Maybe go explore. ' He offered, ' I haven't ever really looked around at this place ever since we came here, so it would be nice. ' He nodded, as the table grew onto an awkward silence.

' Hello! ' A voice called from behind, as Meayora's older brother that I recognized as Lzoé sat down, his brother Leì'te, and Aonung following behind. Tsireya was already at the table, lost in conversation with Kiri. Where is Meayora?

Lo'ak mumbled a hello in response, sitting awkwardly between Meayora's oldest brother and Neteyam. ' So, uh, what's the special thing happening today? ' Lo'ak asked, fixing his posture.

' Meayora told me specifically not to tell you. ' Leì'te responded, shoving a piece of crab into his mouth. Lo'ak groaned, sighing in anticipation. ' It will come soon. ' He soothed, smiling at my annoyed expression.

' Do you know? ' Lo'ak asked his family. They all shook their heads, as Neteyam shrugged. ' Damn. '

He turned to Lzoé. ' Uh, where is Meayora, by the way? ' Lo'ak asked grudgingly, feeling small under his family's stares.

' She told me not to tell you that aswell. '

And just like that, the horn blew, cutting him off as he opened his mouth to speak. ' Whats wrong? ' Lo'ak exclaimed, standing up, but the Metkayina only hooted, running and diving into the water. Lo'ak furrowed his brows, before following hesitantly behind them.

He heard a loud, deep cry in the distance, as he saw multiple whale-looking creatures (sorry JC Lo'ak doesn't know what they are called yet) swimming towards the village.

As the grew closer, the Metkayina dispersed towards them, as the creatures jumped and splashed around me. I laughed as one of the creatures splashed me playfully, inspecting me while the creatures calls filled the air.

I turned towards the creature, as it cooed happily when it lifted his fin and threw me up in the air. Wind rushed against me, as I let out a yelp, before I landed straight back in the water. The creature twirled in the water, swimming around me as I let the smile spread across my face.

As I broke the surface of the water, I let out a laugh as the creature did it with me. For some reason, I felt a connection to the giant animal. Like we were bound to meet each other. ' Whats your name? ' I signed, as it hummed a loud, deep sound. ' Hey buddy, I have no idea what your saying! ' Lo'ak let out a breathy laugh, as the creature seemed to laugh with him.

' Lo'ak? ' He heard a comforting voice behind him say, as he recognized it as Meayoras. She swam up, greeting the whale.

' Was this the surprise? ' Lo'ak questioned, looking around to see the Metkayina talking to the whales. Meayora nodded. ' Are they whales? ' The creature beside me splashed its fin in return, splashing me with water as I cringed, my ears pinning to the side of my head. ' Guessing not. ' He mumbled, as the creature made a loud, deep hum.

Meayora giggled, ' They are not whales. They are tulkun. ' the words rolled off her tongue, as he repeated it. ' Yes, like that. They migrate every year, and it is one of the only times we are able to communicate with our spirit brothers and sisters. '

' Spirit brothers and sisters? ' He asked, tilting his head.

' Yes. I just was talking with mine, but she said she had to leave. My spirit sister is Aa'la, we grew up together. ' She said smiling, as the skin around her eyes creased.

Whenever Meayora smiled like that, it sent a warm, fuzzy feeling inside Lo'ak, and always made him smile. He smiled back, his eyes searching hers.

' This is Txauu, ' She pressed a hand on the tulkun, as the tulkun hummed happily. ' He is one of the younger Tulkun. ' Lo'ak nodded, listening as she talked about his life, and his mother, who turned out to be the chief's spirit sister.

' Oh, cool. ' He said after she finished, looking around at the other Tulkun. They slowly peeled off, as Txauu made a sound, spinning around.

' He said he has to go now. ' Meayora told me, as I turned to the tulkun.

' I'll uh, see you later? ' Lo'ak said hesitantly, unsure of what he should say, as Txauu splashed him one last time with his fin, before swimming off quickly.

Lo'ak stared in front of him with a deadpan look, his ears pinned to the sides of his head. ' Why does that keep happening to me? ' he grumbled as he wiped his face off.

' Because your just easy to annoy. ' Meayora said remotely, as she pulled my arm. ' Come. '


im sorry this is very random but this story is #1 in Lo'ak x reader rn and I find that hilarious

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