✧: ground zero : ✧

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IT WASNT THE same without Leì'te. Even if he did not speak, his presence was mighty. He had the affect on the room that soothes it, even in the most awkward or tense times. His presence alone could make a difference.

Meayora had fallen into a depression. Her father had been busy planning the upcoming war, but Meayora could not get up. She could not think, she could not speak, or eat or swim. She felt empty.

The great mother had betrayed her. She pleaded to her great mother, that somehow there would be a miracle, and her eldest brother would awaken. But it was too late, and she didn't want to admit in.

She had been in the Marui for days, unable to move or talk. She stared at the ocean for days, hours on end, only interrupted by Lo'ak checking up on her.

She did not want to see him at this time, but despite that he was always there to bring her food, to try to focus her back on reality. But the reality she wanted couldn't come true.

This was one of those times, as Lo'ak entered the abandoned Marui, as my family wanted to move because the Marui only caused them great pain from the memories. Meayora refused to move, however.

' How are you? ' He asked softly, placing the small wooden plate with little food beside me. I did not answer. I only looked into his eyes, as his face looked pained as he saw mine. I had neglected myself, I was dirty and my eyes felt swollen from my crying. Dark circles surrounded my eyes, and my body and cheeks looked slimmer because of my refusal to eat.

' Eat something, please. ' He whispered, his voice cracking as he sat down beside me silently. We went through this ritual everyday, but the plate was always taken away at the end, full with food. ' You look dehydrated. You need to swim, to be in your surroundings again. You can't rot away in here. ' he placed a hand on my shoulder, as I regarded him by turning my head.

He was crying now, watching my numb face. It hurt me to see him in this way, while I was screaming at myself to speak, to eat food, to swim again. But I couldn't. I didn't have the energy, I didn't have the motivation.

' Please? Can you say something, anything? ' He pleaded, while Meayora gently lifted her hands and grasped his.

' I see you. ' She whispered, the sound spilling out of her mouth before she could think. His eyes gleamed, as he sucked in a breath, before a giant smile erupted on his face.

' I see you, Meayora. ' he breathed, squeezing her hand. She felt the light in her eyes gleam, earning a smile from Lo'ak as he hugged her tightly.

' You had me so worried. You didn't eat for almost a week. ' He gasped out, letting her go.  ' Please eat something. You look very malnourished. ' He spoke gently, picking the plate up as he placed it in Meayoras hands.

She nodded sheepishly. It had taken 6 days for her to  grow out of her trance. Leì'te was dead, but she knew now that he was happy, with Eywa. That she had to accept his death, instead of live in misery and denial. It had happened, and there was nothing she could do about it. She picked up a piece of fish, placing it in her tongue as she chewed thoughtfully.

Lo'ak let out a sigh of relief, pulling her close. ' You scare me everyday, Meayora. But you never cease to surprise me. '

With his words, she looked up at him, finally getting a look at him. Him, too, had dark circles around his eyes, and he looked exhausted. Meayora reached up, touching the underneath of his eyes, and his swollen cheeks, pain coarsening through her chest and to her heart.

' Did I make you this way? ' She whispered, another wave of guilt washing through her. He shook his head violently.

' No. Do not blame yourself anymore. It is not your fault. ' He demanded, seeing as her eyebrows furrowed in sorrow. His face softened, as he rubbed her cheek faintly across her cheek. ' It's not your fault, Meayora. '

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