Same Snake Different Skin

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The moment Cici stepped out she was hit by something and knocked out cold. Captain looked up at her attacker to see Mark, well, they thought it was Mark, at first. They had to double take to realize he was actually slightly grey as if he was a cold corpse. There were dark circle's under his eyes and he grinned crookedly with all his teeth, almost snarling.

"Oh darling. You trust so easily. You trust so freely. Or maybe you just love the danger. Your friends feel the same way? I don't think so. Soon you will run into the consequences of these choices, just like the one you just made. In the end, who will suffer those consequences? Your friends, or should I say HE will. Finally, he will suffer and we will be together. " Dark spoke through his teeth. The Captain swore that he blurred like watching a 3D movie without the glasses.

The Captain took a step back but Dark took one forward. For each move Captain Made, Dark followed. Their breath caught in their chest as he drew so close they could smell the chocolate on their breath. 

"What was that? You don't want me to hurt him? Could have fooled me, leaving him to rot in that hallway. I'm going to take over forever, I'm going to end him once and for all, and you aren't going to stop me."

The Captain tried to scream as they pulled a blaster from their hip. As they drew it up, Dark took a step back. His neck seemed to spasm and two of him seem to split apart, one screaming and the other laughing silently until they merged once again. He tilted his head to the side, clasping his hands behind his back.

"You haven't got the nerve. I know you as well as he does, no... no I know you better than he does. I know that this is all you. He doesn't know that yet. We do."

Dark turned sideways, his arms curling towards himself in claws. He looked like he was in pain. After a moment of this, he stood up and closed his coal black eyes.

"Just let me do what I must do. Let me finish him and finish this. No more of this mess. Why do you let yourself be twisted and ripped apart? As fun as that sounds in theory, there is no way you are enjoying yourself, but I will change that if you just let me. Then again, I don't need your permission, I never did. I just needed time, and you've given me all the time I needed. See, he is on his way now and this can all be over..."

Dark lifted his hands, turning his head and shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't have a choice, Captain. Put the gun down." his head jerked to the side, his hands twisting and clenching.

"Pain? Oh Darling, All I know is pain." Dark turned to the side, "Hello." 

As his attention turned, Captain saw Mark, the engineer, their best friend. Dark was twisting his body at the hips, very slowly. Captain felt a jolt of fear as they pulled the trigger.

"Captain!" Mark screamed as he lurched forward, "Captain, how could you? You killed him."

Dark lay on the ground in front of them, unmoving, a giant, burnt hole in the center of his chest. The Captain started to openly cry as they stared down at the corpse. How could he look so much worse than he did alive?

"How could you do that, Captain? I never thought you could do something like this?" He said, moving away from the Captain, "I've been trusting you all along, even when The Lady was telling us what we... what you were doing. Captain... I can't believe I was so stupid."

He gripped his hair and stepped away from them. He gripped so hard, they thought he would rip it out from the roots. 

They stepped forward and put a hand on his forearm, but he jerked it away, flinching. He stared at them with his deep brown eyes then something struck them. This was what changed. In the office, when everything was in black and white, his thoughts changed, because this had happened to Mark even before it happened to The Captain. Much like everything, this happened out of order and it had ruined everything.

"Did you do all of this?" Tears started to roll down his dirty cheeks. He opened his mouth to speak again but it caught in his throat as blue light lit his face from below.

Before he could protest, the Captain lifted their hand and the wormhole burst around them, swirling in nauseating waves. They tried to scream. They knew this would be what would bring their voice back. They had killed Dark and they had lost Mark, and they didn't even know if Cici was still alive.

Instead, they were met with nothing but the grinding metallic, squelch of the wormhole and nothing else.

((Author note: I really liked writing this chapter, I hope it translates. It was my favorite so far. Thank you to everyone who has been following along and I hope you are having as much fun as I am!))

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