Falling Apart

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"You ruined it! You ruin everything!" Damien screamed, a second voice calmly echoing behind him. They could barely see him in the dark room. The light from "outside" lit him from the side giving him a Chromostereopsis effect. He seemed like a 2D image  drawn in a 3D format. When he turned slightly they could see Celine for just a moment, her anger just as hot.

"Your hair is a mess." Captain muttered, slowly reaching to fix it, but Damien aggressively slid his own hand through his hair, pushing it back. It wasn't long enough to tuck behind his ears but the gel wasn't enough.

"Of course it's a mess. You're stressing me out." As he said this he seemed to duplicate. Captain shook their head, they were seeing things.

"Captain!" A voice screamed in the distance.

" I just wanted us to be together, Captain. Why do you fight it so much? I just want you. You and I can be happy but you keep reaching for him." Damien said, grabbing Captain by the wrist.

Their breath caught in their throat as he pulled them close. He pressed his body to theirs, leaning over them. He hasn't ever touched them like this before. Their previous encounters had been apart. Captain started to remember how he usually couldn't cross the void to them.

He ran his lips across theirs for only a moment, not kissing them, just touching before he snarled, his nose brushing along the bridge of their nose. He dragged his eyes up to meet theirs and pure horror flooded their body at the black pits they stared into now.

"Captain! Where are you?" The other voice cried, getting louder.

"He pushed you away. Sought comfort in that woman. I would never do that  to you. All I want is you. Can't you see  that?" Damien asked, his voice echoing ominously, "and what about me? Ever think of me?"

He spun them around and pulled them flush to his chest, curling around them as if to make them one. His cheek pressed to theirs as one of his arms hugged their waist just to hold them close. After a few heart beats like this, their breathing started to sync. Was he doing that or was Captain doing that?

It was getting hot and Captains legs were weak.

"If Wilford hadn't gotten in our way, those many paths ago, we wouldn't be having to do this now." He muttered, his breath on their cheek. They tried to think rationally as their body betrayed them.

"CAPTAIN!" Mark screamed.

Their heart missed a painful beat and they pulled away from Damien, a chill running down their spine as his body warmth was left behind.

"I tried to make it nice. Make it a fun place for you to live. Give us a life together. But you still ran back to him. Do you know what he has done?" Damien snarled and as the Captain reached into the darkness for Mark, their goofy, funny, smart engineer, Damien spun them around to face him.

"We had a good life. If you had just let it be." Damien said quietly through his gritted teeth.

"No more choices." He muttered, stepping back completely, slowly dissolving into the darkness, leaving the Captain alone in the void," You don't get to play anymore, you lost the privilege."

"You can't do this!" The Captain managed to cry out.

Damien was gone, leaving them in this cold void on their own. Did he intend for this isolation to wear them down? For the loneliness to set in and make them beg him to come back? They had been through lifetimes like this on the invincible two. They and been alone before. They could handle it.

They waited. They knew if this was anything like what happened before, then a choice would present itself. Someone always broke in. This was the space beyond time, where the warp core had once sat to try to fix the paradox. Captain knew it had to be, where else worked like this?

They also knew this was the place that The Actor had created, and in turn had created Dark. They knew all this because Damien had told them about it. He had left clues all over the fake world to teach them about him. He couldn't stop the information from leaking, his powers hinged on this place.

Tha Captains power hinged somewhere else, and he didn't know that they could feel it even now. They would pull themselves out of here, out of this place.

"Captain!" Mark sobbed.

The Captain could leave right now but that would cost them, and Damien knew what the cost would be.

His laugh echoed around them as Mark screamed in terror and pain, something the Captain thought they would never have to hear again.

"Send us back. I'll stop pursuing Vita Renascentia. Send us back where we can be happy. Now that I know it's you that put us there I'll be content. I just needed to know." Captain said the most words they had said since the accident,"Male me forget again, if you'd like."

"Captain, No!" Mark cried out from somewhere far off.

"Put all of us back and I'll prove to you that I love only you." Captain stated, holding back stinging tears.

"Swear it?" A snarl echoed around them.

"I swear."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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