Chapter three

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- Bumblebee Pov -

As I watch Sam pat my hood and walked away I then turn on my holoform and appeared on the drive seat and my face felt like it was heating and my spark was beating fast which I place my hand on it, but as I did that I then realize that I was supposed to send a signal to Optimus, but as I was about to turn off my holoform I then start thinking about Sam, I just don't want to leave her side after what happened today, but then I got an Idea cause I then got out of my car form and then parkour my way up to Sam roof. Once I got to the roof and walked up to Sam roof, I then open the window which surprisingly was unlocked

Bumblebee - " Sweet Spark, you need to lock your window "

I whisper as I open the window, I then saw Sam sleeping peacefully which I then put my arm under her knees and my other arm behind her back and pick her up carefully and then I got out of the window and started to jump down carefully not waking her up, and we then walked up to my car form, and I then open the door and place her in the back seat. I later on I then disactivate my holoform and drive off to where I can find a place to send a signal to Optimus

- Samantha Pov -

I was sleeping peacefully and quietly, but that didn't last long because I felt a bright light hitting my face and it cause me to start opening my eyes, so as I flutter my eyes open and try to focus my vision on what's going on around me. When I finally regain my vision and got up from my " bed " but that's what I thought when I realize I was outside, how do I know that I was outside was from the looked of it which made me unease and then I looked up to know what time it was but when I did my eyes landed on blue like eyes looking at me. As both my eyes and the blue eyes looked at each other for an hour that all stop when I yelled out loud which cause the big blue eyes widen and started to panic which I took the time to jump off the big hand and started running away. While I kept on running, I then heard something behind which then made me more worried, so I turn around and saw two dogs chasing behind me which now made my stressed to higher liement, but while I was running, I wasn't paying attention one where I was going and fell down to the ground which cause me to scrap my knee and elbow. I try and get up from the ground but couldn't because the injury on my knee hurt really badly and I started to feel tied, so I started to back up while the dogs started to slow down like a predator coming up to its prey which didn't help my nerves, cause here I am panicking a lot which that didn't stay for long because later on my car came and save me and the dogs run away. As the dogs run away my head started to hurt which then cause me to hit the ground and heard a familiar voice

Voice - " Sweet Spark! "

Once I heard that voice, I then started to black out, but my hearing was still going, and I heard another voice calling out

??? - " Who's there! "
??? - " Come out and put your hands up! "
Voice - " Sorry Sweet Spark, but I got to go. Goodbye for now "

And those are the last words, and everything went quiet

- Mikaela Pov -

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