Chapter six

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- Samantha Pov -

As both of us kept on talking I heard something which made me turn around and saw Optimus transform which now made my anxiety strait throw the roof. So, I turn to my dad very quickly with a straight face and spoke in a series mode

Samantha - " If you do not turn around and get your ass back to mom, I won't hesitate-- "
Ron - " Alright, alright "

My dad then turns around and walked back to my mom, as he did that I turn around and saw the other also transform with a Mika who mouth a " I try ", I sigh at this and walked up to Optimus who looked down at me as he broke the path which I was screaming inside 

Samantha - " What are you doing?! "
Optimus - " Oops. Sorry. My bad "
Samantha - " You couldn't wait for five...You couldn't wait for five minutes! I told you to stay! "

As I said that I then saw Mojo coming out of the house, Mika then walked up to me

Samantha - " You try didn't you "
Mikaela - " I really try "

As me and Mika keep on talking, I then heard Mojo barking which cause Mika and I turn to Mojo was about to pee on Ironhide feet which made me yelled at which he then turns around at me and saw my series which he knew if he doesn't behave, he will be sleeping outside so he then ran away so he can pee somewhere else. I grabbed Mika hand and we both then ran inside the house, then ran upstairs and to my room and start searching for the glasses

Mikaela - " Where the fuck is it! "
Samantha - " I know, it's in here somewhere! "

As we both kept on looking for the glasses out of nowhere, I heard something coming outside which I walked up to the window and saw the other now transform back to their car form which now made me mad, but I try to hold it in. But that didn't stop because as I turn around, I then saw Bee and a guy I never see before, he had black hair that is push back and dark brown eyes, what he was wearing was a black sleeveless turtleneck that mark his abs and black rip jeans with a pair of black combat boots. On his right arm was metal which means he lost an arm which still on the same arm he has a tattoo on his shoulder, on his right eye had a scar

 On his right arm was metal which means he lost an arm which still on the same arm he has a tattoo on his shoulder, on his right eye had a scar

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I looked Bee with a confused face while pointing at the guy next to him

Samantha - " Who is he? "
Bumblebee - " This is Ironhide "
Samantha & Mikaela - " Huh?! "
Ironhide - " Hey "

As both of us was about to say something out of nowhere the lights went which made me facepalm. Once I did that, I then heard my parents coming up stairs which made me looked at the boys and start pushing them to hide somewhere 

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