Chapter nine

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- Third Pov -

As Bumblebee was driving in the middle of Willam and his team as they are driving towards the city, Samantha was holding the Cube with a good grip. While the team kept driving to the city, they then saw Optimus and the others which made Samantha smile and as they pass by Optimus and the other's they then drifted behind them and went behind the other's while Ironhide went next to Bumblebee and roll down the window which then show Mikaela who smile at Samantha brightly which Bumblebee roll down the window as well and Samantha who return the smile

Mikaela - " Are you guys okay! "
Samantha - " Ya! We also got the Cube, but we got a problem! "
Mikaela - " What is it? "
Samantha - " Decepticons are after it as well and is now about to follow us "
Mikaela - " Now this is not good "
Samantha - " And now we're going to the city! "

Mikaela nodded and rolled back the window which Samantha did the same thing. As they were still on the road and still driving towards the city Mikaela look throw the passenger mirror and saw the same police car that attacked them which also Samantha saw them as well. The two girls got worried but that stop when they saw Optimus stop with his breaks when they saw the other Decepticons and once he did that the Force Protection Buffalo MPCV started to transform into its bot form, so Optimus did the same thing and the two started to fight each other, the two girls looked shocked at this. When the team finally made it to the city, they all went throw the city but then they all got and saw the Air Force and saw green smoke but as that happened Ironhide transform and spoke out loud

Ironhide - " It's Starscream! "

which then cause Bumblebee to transform to his bot form while Ratchet and Jazz backed up 

Ironhide - " Back up! Take cover! Bumblebee

Bumblebee follow Ironhide and pick up a truck to make it as a shield which cause Samantha and the other's to back and take cover and once they did that Starscream  then start shotting at the truck and cause to blow up and cause both Ironhide and Bumblebee to be flung back. Smantha and Mikael got off from the ground after getting flung back a bit and saw Bumblebee took a hard and lost both of his legs which shocked both girls and run up to him

Samantha - " Your legs! You all right? "

Samantha looked at him with teary eyes as she watched Bumblebee in pain as well with Mikaela by her side while hearing both William and Epps talking to each other. As Samantha and Mikaela try to think of something to help Bumblebee they then saw a tank shooting at them and both Jazz and Ratchet start driving right at him, as that happened Mikaela saw 1990 GMC Topkick tow truck and ran up to it while Samantha looked at Bumblebee who then gave her the Cube which she looked at it for a bit. Once Mikaela got to the Tow truck, she took out the wire and start turning it on and once it turns on Mikaela got inside and driving to Samantha who looked at her

Mikaela - " Sam, I need help "

Samantha nodded and started helping Mikaela with attaching Bumblebee with the hook, but as the two helping Bumblebee Samantha saw Jazz being grabbed by Megatron which cause Samantha eyes widen and looked at Mikaela

Samantha - " I will be back, I need to help Jazz! "
Mikaela - " Got it! "

Samantha then ran off and saw a gun on the floor which she ran up towards the gun and grabbed it, she then pointed the gun while looking at the small telescope and once she got a good aim she then took the shot which almost hit Megatron eye who then dropped Jazz

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