Chapter seven

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- Samantha Pov - 

(Jazz look like a hopping frog 😂)

As I cut off Simmons by headbutting him which made him yelp while I smirk. I smirk at him which made him too looked at us and was about to say something when he was then cut off once again because were then lifted up in the air and the roof of the car was torn off and we looked up and saw Optimus

Samantha - " You fucker's are in trouble now. Gentlemen's, I want you introduce you to my friend, Optimus prim "
Optimus - " Taking the children was a bad move "

As he said that both Ironhide and Bee disappeared, and they were back into their Autobots form. As that happened all of the guys then point their weapons on them

Optimus - " Autobots, relieve them of their weapons "

Once Optimus said that Jazz took all of their weapon while Ironhide too out his weapons, Me and Mika then got out of the car and once we got out Mika then pick locked the handcuffs, after she did that, I then looked at her and hug her which then hug back

Mikaela - " Thank you for not being mad "
Samantha - " I will never be mad at someone I see as a friend and a sister "

As I said that I smile at Mika who smile back but that was ruin when we heard a bit of screaming so we turn around and saw...Bee peeing on Simmons which made me and Mika laugh, after words Optimus told Bee to stop. While Mika talks to Simmons I was hand cuffing the other guys to each other and after I was done, I then looked at Mika who nodded and we were about to walk to the others when we saw more black cars and helicopter coming our way which cause Optimus to tell the other to roll out and he pick up me and Mika and ran off, as Optimus kept on running, we then went under a bridge, Optimus was now holding onto himself up under the bridge while we were on his shoulder. As we watch the helicopter pass by us I the slip off of Optimus shoulder, but I then grab onto something of Optimus shoulder while Mika tries to grab me

Mikaela - " Sam!! "
Samantha - " No stay there! Stay there "

As I looked down of the bridge my heart start beating fast, I then looked back at Mika who looked more scared than me 

Samantha - " Listen to me Mikaela, I know I'm going to do something wrong, but I can't hold long! "
Mikaela - " What do you mean by that, you can just hold a little longer! "
Samantha - " Please take care and stay with Ironhide! "

As I said that my hand the slip from Optimus shoulder and I fell down while I heard Mika yelling out for me, I close my eyes waiting for the impact, but then Bee caught me which made me yelled for a bit. I looked at Bee with wide eyes but smile at him while he smiles at me as well, but that was ruin, and I was taken away from Bee by Sector Seven guys while Bee was tide down which cause me to yell after them, telling them to stop

Samantha - " Stop! You're hurting him, please stop!! "

But none of them listen and I watch him being freezing which cause him to be in pain, tears started to fall down my cheeks, I couldn't watch him be in pain, so I kick the guy who was pulling me away from Bee and ran back to him and slide down to Bee and grabbed him by his face which he looked at me with sad eyes

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