Chapter four

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- Samantha Pov -

As me and Mika kept on running with my car still following behind us, we turn around a corner which led under the highway bridge, but as we ran under the bridge we then stop to see if my car was still following us but saw nothing. While we kept on looking around to know if my car was really gone when we heard a cop sound siren sound which we turn around and saw a police car, but there was something strange about it which was the side of the car

Samantha - " Is it just me, or I just feel like that's not a real cop car? "
Mikaela - " No duh! Do you see a cop car with the words on the side saying, " To Punish and Enslave", HMMM!? "

When Mika said those words, I look on the side of the car and saw Mika was right about that and not kidding about it, I looked at Mika who was already still looking at me and we both turn around start boking it once again because the next thing we knew was that cop car started to I don't know what it was?! But that didn't matter because as we kept running out of nowhere, I was then grabbed by my coat and was flung to a car which made me broke the windshield and also knocked my breath out of my lungs

Mikaela - " Sam!! "

I heard Mika call me out but the big bot didn't care and place its hands both of my sides so I can't escape from it

Bot - " Are you username Samantha217?! "
Samanatha - " What the heck are you talking about?! "
Bot - " Are you username Samantha217?! "

I was so scared on what's going that I....I kicked it in the face which shocked him and me, but I didn't care so took this time to get up from the windshield and jump off the car and start running back to Mika while hearing the bot yelling out for me to come back. Once I got to Mika she then hug me tightly but then let go of me when she saw the bot running up to us which he was then stop when my car did a drift and knocked the bot off it feet's and once it did that it then drift towards us and open the door which I knew it wants to help us so we took this chance and ran inside my car, and once we were inside the car it then drove off while the bot behind us turn into a once again cop car and started to follow us and now it was a car chase.

(Please pretend Sam as female version)

After the car chase it was now dark time and my car then turn a corner and we then hide and we watch the cop car pass us, once we were hidden my car then locked us in and turn off

 Mikaela - " We're locked in "
Samantha - " But At least we ditched the monster...Right? "
Mikaela - " I think--- "

Once I looked forward, we both saw the cop car passing us which we both held in our breath while we heard my car now turning on and we saw the cop car stopping halfway in front of us

Samantha - " Okay. Time to start boy.... Please "

Once I said " Please " my car then turn on and drove off which the cop car try to stop us but was too late by doing that cause my car curve around it and drove off which the cop car then started to follow us and as we kept driving my car then did a drift and open the doors which we got the signal and both of us got out but as we did that and start running I turn around when I heard the same sound when the cop car transform and when I did that I saw the same yellow bot from yesterday night which I was shocked but that stop when I saw a small bot unattached it's self from the big bot and start going after me which I dash off with the small bot following. As I kept on running I start jumping over things to make it harder for the small bot to catch up which did not work which I was impress but I shouldn't, but I was then stop when my balance was cut off when the bot grabbed the back of my coat and pull me which I struggled to get off which aka I took off my coat and start running again which that didn't stop it and it destroy my coat and ran after me again and I was okay with it, but I didn't pay attention to it and ran down a small hill which was bad idea cause I was then corner to a metal fence and the small bot pining me to the fence and I was now panicking and try to get if off of me which didn't help because it then scratch my face and almost poke my eye though I dodge it very quickly, after words it was then stop by Mika who was using a tool that I don't care what it is because it did the job by saving me and cut its head off and it fell from the ground and once it hit the ground Mika walked up to and kicked it really hard while yelling at it

Mikaela - " Next time think twice on who you're messing with!!! "

As Mika said that she turns around and grab my hand and we both start walking back towards my car that was now a bot. When me and Mika made it to my car which it walked up to us

Mikaela - " Do they want something from you? "
Samantha - " I think they do; I remember one of the bots talking about my eBay page "
Mikaela - " What??? "
Samantha - " Ya I was counfused as well "

As I said that I looked at my car and spoke up to it

Samantha - " Can you talk? "
Bo t- " XM Satellite Radio...Digital cable brings you...Columbia Broadcasting System... "
Mikaela- " So you talk through the radio? "
Bot - " Thank you, you're beautiful and you're wonderful "

It then points at me first and then towards to Mika which cause me to blush while Mika just chuckles, but I then hit her shoulder. I then looked back at the bot

Samantha - " If you don't mind me asking, what was that last night? What was that? "
Bot - " Message from Starfleet, Captain...Throughout the inanimate vastness of space...Angles will rain down visitors from heaven! Hallelujah! "
Mikaela - " Visitors from heaven? So, you're tell us you some kind of alien? "

The bot nodded at Mika, and it then transformed back into the Camaro, but as that happened something appeared in front of us which was...Ben?! Me and Mika looked at him for a good second to see if our eyes are not fooling us which it wasn't, when Ben saw us very surprised which make sense and put his hand behind his neck

Ben - " Surprising, right? "
Mikaela - " Wait but, how? "
' Ben ' - " I have a friend who made this form for me and my team, we called it holoform "
Mikaela - " So it a form to blend with us human "
Bumblebee - " My human form is called, Ben but my real name is Bumblebee "
Mikaela & Samantha - " Well, nice to meet you Bee "

Bee nodded and disactivated his holoform and open the door which we both got in while closing the doors behind us close, once we did that Bee then start driving to who knows where. As me and Mikaela were sitting inside of Bee and talking Bee then stop and spoke up with the radio

Bumblebee - " if you ladies don't mind.... Mind if I change my...Look? "
Samantha - " Ya sure "

Both me and Mika got out of Bee and stand next to the side of the rode, so we waited for Bee

Mikaela - " This summer can't get any weirder, am I right? "
Samantha - " you're right on that, looks like I got a wired birthday present "
Mikaela - " Mhm "

Mika smile at me while nodding we both then heard an engine sound which cause us to look on where it was coming form and saw it was Bee who stop right in front of us, as we both took a closer look of him, we saw in a new look which was a 2007 Camaro that is yellow and black which looks really amazing, and I know Mika agree and we both then go inside of Bee who then drove off once again to our destination

- Time Skip -

As Bee kept on driving, we then finally stop when we made it to a white building which was fence up, but Bee broke it. As Bee stop both Mika and I got out and stand in front of Bumblebee hood and looked around for a bit when our eyes landed on something shiny up in the air and saw meteors, all of them going to a different direction but one of them landed close by so we looked at each other and start running where one of the meteors landed, as we made our way towards the meteor, we saw what looked like a capsule and saw a bot coming out of the capsule and when it did it started to look around and start running away to take form

Mikaela - " Whoa "
Samantha - " Wow "

We both then ran back towards Bee who was calmly waiting for us, and we then got inside of Bee. Once we got in, I then spoke up 

Samantha - " Were they your friends? "
Bumblebee - " Yup! "

Be the once again drove off to our new destination which made us think were Bee's friends are meeting up

Me and My Friends fell in love with two botsWhere stories live. Discover now