[five] "The Beach" end of s1❤

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Suddenly the man that was in the fire shot someone in the room as he slowly walks in his figure gets more and more clearly. Niragi. Everyone looked at him horrified.
I did too.

He then started shooting everyone in the lobby it all went to chaos again chaos after chaos what the fuck is even happening anymore. Arisu and Usagi was trying their best to stop Niragi. Niragi went more berserk and crazy i couldn't do anything because of this damn weak body.

My body really hurts all over. I dont know why..
I looked at Aguni. Aguni runs towards Niragi while Niragi was shooting at him the bullets aren't even affective to Aguni. He grabbed niragi and throwed himself with him on the fire.

I saw everyone. Everyone at the room helping each other to clear the game i started hitting my leg it still doesn't move. I burst out crying but i still tried my best to move my body. "Just fucking move already!! Why was i even born if i can't even fucking do a single shit."

Then it moved slightly but slightly wasn't even enough.

Game Cleared.

Once the phone chimed i punched my thights i can stand up but my other leg wont move.."What the fuck.." i shutted myself up and ran as fast as i can from where Aguni and Niragi was. I ran into the fire without any single hesitation i saw Niragi and dragged him out of the fire as fast as i can. He was still breathing alive and well. I threw him out of the fire. Then continued looking for Aguni.

I didn't see him, he wasn't there.. there was no traces of him at all.. i gave up on trying to look for him since my body couldn't take the heat anymore and i still needed to carry niragi. I ran out of the fire and saw Niragi coughing out blood. I ran towards him and patted his back softly i didn't have water with me so that was the only thing i could do.

"Niragi excuse me on this." I carried him onto my back as we got out of the beach i saw everyone at the otherside. I didn't want them to notice niragi so i quickly took off. i glanced at them one last time.

I remember seeing a hospital before i came here. Lets get you bandaged up Niragi. We arrived at a hospital i saw a bed near and made Niragi lay down there despite him being a brat.

I then looked for bandages and maybe a betadine. I saw an alcohol but that just makes wounds more worser. I saw the bandages and grabbed it. I saw where the betadine was but it was so high up i grabbed a chair and standed on it i grabbed it and got down. I looked for cotton and found some i prepared all the items that could help with his situation right now.

I'm worried trying to stay calm for him i didn't want to make the situation more harder than it is.

I grabbed a chair and placed it beside the bed i opened the betadine grabbed a cotton ball and putted a little bit of the betadine and started to rub it gently on his arm.

"Be more fucking gentler damn it!" "I'm trying whore literally shut the fuck up.." "sit up straight and face me." he was having a hard time moving so i helped him yet he still was being a brat. "I can do it by myself."

While he was facing me i had a serious face trying my best to be gentle yet he started to say things yes "dirty things.." "like what you see?" He said grinning. "Suguru. Literally what the fuck... im trying to help you heal your goddamn scars and then you say things like that to me omg... shut up pls." "Okay madam, geez such an angry bird." I then goed harder, he started groaning in pain.

After putting on a lot of medecine on him i really meant a lot.. i started to bandage him i didn't actually knew how it worked.. well i kept bandaging anyways what could go wrong i then shrugged it off and continued

PFFFT WBWUWUEUWHWUAHAJHAAHAHAHAHAHHA h-he looked like a fuckinf mummy my voice was trembling from laughing too much. "Y/n whag the fuck give me that shit.." he grabbed the bandage on my hand agressively. he bandaged himself up well.

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