Chapter One...

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It was a Tuesday when I came across the creature. I hate Tuesdays.

I had started my walk home from my high school, Sunnyside High School, on a very rainy Tuesday afternoon. I was in a not so great mood already, having already forgotten to pack an umbrella before leaving home this morning. I could've hopped on the bus, but the driver, Mr. Pike, looked like a pedophile. Never judge a book by its cover? Fuck that, I'm going with my gut feeling.

On my wet trek home, I was grateful for the sidewalk, otherwise I'd be muddy as well. Five minutes later, I was not grateful for the sidewalk, because on it lay my biggest guilt trip.

I'm too sleep deprived for this, I had thought, looking down at the matted and dirty mutt. Mutt? No, dog. Could be a purebred for all you know. It was so mangled, I couldn't tell.

Whatever it was, I wanted nowhere near it. 

But guess what. Life isn't fucking fair.

It shook itself, sending watery mud particles flying full force at me, splattering my favorite outfit.

"Dammit!" I yelled to no one in particular, groaning as I looked down at my ruined NASA hoodie and blue jeans. Maybe it was a simple and boring outfit, but it was my favorite. Now I'd have to hope the stains would wash out.

I turned my rage to the dog, pointing a shaking finger at the animal.

"You." I seethed, shooting daggers at the sorry looking mess.

I grunted and pulled my backpack farther onto my shoulder, continuing my trek home.

Then, I stopped in my tracks when I heard the most pitiful sound behind me. That damn dog ruined my favorite outfit and now has the audacity to whine like it's the victim?

I whirled around, glaring at it. "Stop making me feel guilty! I don't even like dogs!"

With that, I ignored the pleading puppy eyes it was giving me, turned around, and continued, once again, on my journey home.

Five sidewalk cracks later, I took a peek over my shoulder. It still sat there, a huddled heap of fur, looking at me.

"Ugh," I grunted, shifting my focus back to getting home. An uncomfortable weight settled on my shoulders that I couldn't shake.

I hurried home.

Don't get me wrong, it's still Tuesday. My introduction might've misled you, but it was just this afternoon when I found the... cretin.

Now I lied in bed, frustrated. I couldn't sleep. The guilt was crushing me.

No. The dog would be fine, it probably had been living on the streets its whole life.

Okay that is awful logic. I cringed, thinking of it as a puppy, wandering the streets for food.

I groaned, angrily flipping my sheets back. Stupid conscience. Stupid dog.

I threw a jacket over my loose pajama shirt and slipped out of my room wearing an exhausted but furious expression. I quietly made my way down the hall, hands following the wall in the pitch black setting. I made it to the entryway, plopped down, and shoved on my rainboots.

If my pajamas get ruined, I'm leaving the damn dog in the street.

I creaked open the front door, a slight shower smacking my face as I slid out onto the porch step. I inhaled the fresh earthy smell rain brought before wrapping my jacket tighter against me, hoping to conserve the warmth I brought from my bed.

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