Chapter Thirteen

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Felix never went into heat or whatever it was again. Instead, it seemed like I was the one in heat.

"Felixxxx pleeeeaseeee," I whined, pawing at his leg. He swatted my hand away, shoveling more popcorn into his mouth.

"I said no, Samuel."

Full name...hmph, I see.

"Fine then, I'll just go ask James." I retorted, standing up and heading for the front door.

I could still hear Batman playing behind me, until I reached the door. Then, all sound was cut off. He paused it.



I opened the door.


I stepped out and broke into a full out sprint down the sidewalk. Mind you, it was dark and I was carrying papers, a pencil, and a calculator. Plus, Felix is a dog. Dogs are much faster than humans. Also, this has nothing to do with me feeling like I was in heat.

I started screaming like crazy when I knew Felix was catching up with me. And then, it ended in a flash, him tackling me, us tumbling to the ground, Felix's hand over my mouth to get me to stop screaming.

"Sam, goddammit, you're gonna make the neighbors call the cops on us. I said I'd help you with your math, but I'm not giving you the answers."

I bit his hand.

"Nice try. Now get inside and do your math and let me watch my movie."

I sighed, which was muffled from Felix's hand still blocking my airflow.


I narrowed my eyes but nodded.

He got off me and wiped his hand on his jeans before helping me pick up my worksheets. I trudged inside, him behind me so I wouldn't run off again, and flopped back down on the ground. He set my papers and calculator up on the coffee table carefully then unpaused his show. I got back to work after slamming my head on the ground a few times.

Halfway through the homework, he paused the movie again.

"Who's James?"

"Hm?" I mused halfheartedly, most of my brain focused on the quadratic whatchamacallits.

"You mentioned you were going to go ask James for help earlier. Who's James."

I tapped my pencil against my chin, trying to recall me saying that.

"Oh, I just made that up. It always works." I chuckled, giving him a sly grin.

He frowned at me and returned to his movie.

I felt guilty now, and let out a sigh before slithering onto the couch next to him.

"I won't do it again, okay. I shouldn't have in the first place. No excuses. It makes me seem untrustworthy or disloyal. Sorry, Felix."

He ran a hand down his face, slowly exhaling. "Apology accepted, but never try to make me jealous. Won't end well for you."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Was that a threat?"

He smirked. "A promise."

And then my lips were on his and we were scrambling for purchase on the couch. He ended up on bottom. I raised my eyebrows, giving him a cocky smile. He rolled his eyes.

"What's with the sass, mister?" I murmured, slowly sliding my hands under his shirt and pulling it off in an agonizingly slow manner.

"Mm, could you speed things up a bit? Don't want to actually start by sunrise."

Say less.

I hurriedly ripped off our clothes and got right to making him writhe under my sloppy kissing. He was panting as I covered his body with my lips and tongue, leaving no skin untouched. His broad chest made it harder to ensure everywhere had been properly loved, but I made sure to do my job. I could tell he was growing impatient though, as his breath quickened and his boner made an appearance.

"Felix, darling, would you mind if we continued in a more private area?" I coaxed whilst nibbling on his ear.

"Fuck yes." he declared, scooping me up and taking me to my room.

My parents were on some sort of epilogue honeymoon this weekend, so we had the house to ourselves.

It turned out to be Felix's turn to lead the sexual whatever was going on, and by golly I let him.

Damn he's good... I thought as his lips and tongue moved expertly along my thighs, drawing heat to my groin area. He suddenly stopped and our eyes met, and he tantalizingly licked his lips before nodding. I threw him the lube. He shoved on the condom.

It was go time.

"Fuck!" I yelped when his dick touched my butthole.

"Babe. I haven't even put any in."

"I know, I know...I'm just scared."

"Okay, on the count of three, Sam. Ready? Take deep breaths. 1, 2," and with that, he messily shoved the tip in.

"Felix! That wasn't three!"

He grunted, carding a hand through his hair, the other hand preoccupied with attempting to impale me. "I know but it's better to just get it over with. Now would you please let me move some?"

I nodded and scrunched up my face, preparing for the pain. He slowly slid in more, making us both groan. "Should it hurt this much?"

"Ah, ouch, fuck, I don't know, Sam, I'm gonna move more, okay? Deep breaths."

I'm sure he was telling himself that as well, he seemed to be in a lot of pain. I flinched as he pushed deeper, then stopped. I decided to help him, and carefully started moving with him. Soon it wasn't as painful, and I could feel pleasure push through. Felix's groans turned into moans, and we were both moving in sync.

"Fuck, Sam, that's it, good." I moved faster when he would praise me, and got bold enough to hold onto him and kiss that perfect face of his during it.

I felt my nails dig into his back, and he reached for my boner to relieve the tension in it.

"Mm good bo-" and with practically two words from me, he finished inside me.

Condoms turn out to be really gross.

He made sure I finished before we cleaned up and changed the sheets before hopping in bed together.

"Ah shoot, my math homework," I whined, snuggling into his chest.

"Sam, it's due Monday. You'll be fine." his chest rumbled, soothing my algebraic worries.

" was much better anyway."

"Go to sleep, Sam."

"Alright, goodnight."


My eyes fluttered closed and I was drifting off when Felix caught me off guard.

"Love you, Sam."

I smiled and closed my eyes again, giving him a peck on the forehead.

"I love you too, Felix."

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