Chapter Seven

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"DEAL WITH IT DOES NOT MEAN KIDNAP ME LIKE I'M SOME SORT OF POTATO SACK!" I screeched, flailing my arms in the air to successfully hit his back.

"Fuck," he groaned when my fist connected with his spine. He tossed me onto the bed. "There. I'm sorry, okay? Please stay."

I glared up at him, which I seemed to be doing a lot of, and turned my bedside lamp off before tugging the covers on me.

"Sam? Sammy? Can I sleep with you?" he begged from his position by the nightstand.

"Wrong fucking wording." I grumbled, but scooted over so he could get in. He delicately slipped in next to me, filling my senses with his overbearing presence that grew by the day. As my heartbeat and breathing slowed into a soft rhythm, I couldn't help but to fall asleep thinking about the boy beside me.

I was in the courtyard, relaxing under the afternoon sun with a book before the lunch bell went off when Kyle had his first conversation with me. It was short, but made me so damn happy.

"That book is great," Kyle said, appearing from behind the book I held up in front of me. "Might be my favorite, actually."

"T-The Fault In Our Stars?" I stuttered, gazing at him, trying to carve his handsome face into my memory for later.

"Yeah," he had grinned, tossing a materialized football up in the air and catching it. "See ya around, Sam."

I fangirled for an hour afterwards. Well, I still was fangirling and it was after school.

"He knew my name, Felix! He knew my name!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down in my room, while Felix watched on my bed with a bemused expression.

"Congrats, Sam, should I make you a cake?" Felix said sarcastically, turning his gaze to pick at his cuticles.

"Wait, that sounds like a great idea, Felix," I said earnestly, heading for the kitchen. I heard him stuttering before he quickly caught up and stood in the kitchen giving me a weird stare. I ignored him and started getting out the ingredients for the cake, reading them off the box of cake powder. I was sure not going to make a homemade cake. Who had time for that.

There were only four ingredients in this cake, yet Felix managed to mess it up.

"Did your parents never teach you how to crack an egg?" I shrieked as soon as I saw him with smushed eggshell and yolk covering his hands.

"No, actually, they didn't," he retorted, standing still under my instruction. I groaned, trying to pluck all the eggshell off him and out of the cake batter. "Well I'll teach you."

I threw away the first failed eggshell mess and got the second egg. I carefully gave it to him, and he looked at me, alert and ready for my instructions.

"Now, to add an egg to a recipe, we don't crush it with our hands and hope the good part will sift through our fingers," I said, raising my eyebrows at him. He snorted, annoyed, and blew his bangs out of his eyes with a concentrated breath. "Gently tap the side of the mixing bowl until a crack forms, then break apart the two eggshell halves, letting the inside of the egg fall in, or tap it swiftly, applying enough pressure to break it the first time." He did what I said, going with the first method. Worry showed in his eyes, but as he figured it out and successfully got the egg in the bowl, his face lit up and he beamed at me.

"I did it!"

I smiled back. "Good boy!"

A crunching sound told me the eggshell would have to be picked out once again.

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