Chapter 11

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Jason King

We enter the guest room and she heads for the bed. I come in shortly after and close the door behind me then step in nervous as hell.
I sit on the bed facing her and take both her hands into mine. I swear my hands are shaking, but I still do so anyways then breathe out.

Jason: Bella, I love you. I don't love you like a sister. I' love with you.


Jason: I remember how we met. I was in a
rush to work and overtook you. You came over and overtook me out of nowhere and gave me your middle finger in the process.

I say laughing now that I think about it then clear my throught.

Jason: Then I tried to overtake you again but you drove faster and wouldn't let me. I then slowed down and so did you. Only for me to take the  that opportunity to overtake you once again and I remember doing so while looking at your window Shield and so how pissed of you looked and I swear I saw you mutter a 'bitch' then you did the most unexpected thing and swirved your car right in front of mine then started to slow down causing me to slow down too. Only for you to change your gears and reverse. I was completely shocked and thought that you were some type of psycho.

She laughs. What a sight.
I continue.

Jason: Of course I had to reverse as well to get away from you crazy ,stubborn ass. After you were satisfied you sped off. Im not going to lie. I was impressed, I'd never encountered a woman who drove like that. It was really sexy bella.

I breathe out. 

Jason: The next encounter was when Lisa (little sister) went out to some sorry... snuck out.

She stiffens a bit.....I start getting angry just thinking about what happened that night.

Jason: You saved her from being trafficked. You... you saw that she was way too drunk and that she was a minor and pretended to be her older sister and took her away from that bastard!

She squeezes my hands then places her hand on my cheek and I lean onto it trying to calm down.

Jason: I remember how you humbled yourself and brought her home safely. I remember how you wouldn't allow me to reprimand her cause she was out of it. I..I remember how you let yourself in and took her to bed and stayed with her till she slept cause she was starting to sober up and freaked out as what could have happened to her dawned on to her. That was the day that everything that happened flew out the window and I saw your heart of gold. From there we became friends and I just fell and fell deeper and deeper in love with you as you let me in.

I wipe the tears off her eyes.

Jason: I've loved you ever since...

Yammy: But why didn't you tell me, its been 4 years Jay.

I look down.

Jason: I was scared. We have such a great friendship and I didn't want to lose it, I couldn't risk that chance.

Yammy: Jay... I knew that you had these feelings for me...

I look up again.

Yammy: I wasn't sure at first but it became obvious. What confused me though is you'd still hop from girl to girl and wouldn't say anything. I thought I was crazy that you'd ever see me that way. It hurt cause of how you'd treat me, touch me, it all spoke volumes yet you never said anything so I just moved on and lived my life... but I understand where you're coming from.

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