Chapter 48

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"Drink a spoon of this mixture every night till it finishes and sprinkle this powder under your pillow before you sleep..." the old woman instructs me while handing me what I hope will be my saving grace. I've been having nightmares about Gio brutally torturing and killing me. The way he looked at me felt like he could see right through me and that made me seriously scared especially considering the things I've been up to lately. His threat keeps replaying in my mind but I have this little hope that if he ever loved me, he wouldn't actually try to kill me.

I came here a bit earlier in order to discuss my situation with Gio but she assured me that I will be protected from him. I honestly don't fully believe her. She seems to be down playing the incident as if it was in my head or I'm being dramatic about it. Or maybe she just doesn't give a shit about protecting me and my well being which I wouldn't put past her. Gosh I've really fucked up this time.

About half an hour later, my accomplice walks in, a woman who is eager to carry out an evil plan to bring a common enemy down who has wronged her. "Did you carry out the plan like I instructed you to?" the old woman says giving me a bored look as if she already knows the answer to her question of which I believe she does. "Of course. It was pretty simple, there wasn't much to it." I say and shrug to which she shakes her head with an unimpressed look on her face. "That's the problem right there, you assumed that it was an easy job and therefore didn't attempt to do it to the best of your ability to make sure it was done correctly. Gugu I perfectly instructed you to stay away from that boy so that nothing would lead back to you! Angisho I told you that I had him covered and that you'd get your way when the time was right, huh? All you needed to do was follow my damn instructions maarn!" the old woman yells with a murderous look on her face with spit visibly spewing from her mouth. I cower away and look down with her intense gaze piercing through my skin.

My anxiety immediately shoots up the roof, I just want to get out of here already. This hut is really creepy and makes me feel really uneasy but I need her help, so I'll have to bare it. "What did she do? Gugu what did you do?" my accomplice asks finally deciding to open her mouth, I was starting to think that she went mute or something. I don't trust her even for a second nor do I believe that she trusts me either. She's just a bitter bitch who's going out of her way to get revenge whereas she should be fixing her own issues and not taking it out on irrelevant people but keh. We have a common goal, a common enemy and so I tolerate her.

"The plan didn't work. He was suspicious of her because vele she's been stalking him." the old woman says then growls like an animal. "Gugu you better not mess this up for us. I also want my revenge on that slut do you hear me? You will also get yours just use your brain for once instead of that thing between your legs." my accomplice says choosing to tag team against me. "I apologise for my mistake. It won't happen again." I assure them. I think it's time we wrap this up, I can't even breathe in here. "I want that child. I want her and I'll get her. You will help me do just that. I hate incompetence, this is your last and final chance." the old woman says while looking at me straight in the eyes.

My accomplice and I leave the hut and go our separate ways but just as I walk down the yard I see a figure standing across the street. I immediately feel an uneasy feeling from within but walk anyways till the individuals face becomes clearer and I gasp. No this can not be! "G...Gio..." I whisper. I blink and open my eyes again to find him gone. What the hell happened to him? What even is he? His face was almost distorted but I could make him out. Gosh what have I gotten myself into?

Olivia Yamkela Jakkals 

I breast feed Summer as I watch Rophi play with his friends outside in the yard and decide to order food for them since I'm a bit lazy to make them something to eat. I watch them play and scream out loud to their hearts content. I'm just happy to see him so happy and care free. I still feel guilty about what he saw the other day and as much as I removed the memory from his brain at some point I'll have to sit down and talk to him but for now he's still a bit young.

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