Chapter 15

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Olivia Yamkela Jakkals 

'You may have a seat, he'll be with you shortly'

I take a seat and wait for the big boss. Gosh I'm so damn nervous.
I say one last prayer before hearing the door being opened. I look up and watch as he walks in with a billion dollar power walk that commands respect.
I immediately get up off my seat as he reaches me for a handshake.

' Mr Mazibuko, CEO of this establishment '

Yammy: Olivia..

Mazibuko: Yamkela Jakkals, I know who you are, its a pleasure to meet you Miss Jakkals.

Yammy: Wow...uhm the pleasure is all mine Sir.

Mazibuko: Right, shall we get into it?

Yammy: Yes sir.

Mazibuko: I'm quite impressed, with your work but I was especially intrigued by your thesis on cyber security and all the loopholes you were able to find. What was most impressive was the different ways you came up with or further advanced the system based on your knowledge, enabling you to tie the loose ends. With that said, I have a special task for you.

Heck yeah. I'm game 

Yammy: I'm open to any challenge.

Mazibuko: That's good cause I want you to work as our Cyber Security Specialist.

I feel the air leave my lungs. I'm rendered speechless.

Mazibuko: You will be put on trial before we can actually appoint you to the position permanently.

Still speechless.

Mazibuko: As you already know, we are the world's second biggest tech brand and our internal information is of great value. Your task will be to build a software that will not only recognise potential threat and breach of our system but build strong firewalls into our network infrastructures. I trust you to create some effective defense systems and protocols, evaluate them and implement them.

Phewww, its getting hot in here. I'm starting to sweat.

Yammy: I don't know if I'll be able to take on this task sir, this is huge its...

Mazibuko: Do not doubt yourself. I chose you cause I've seen what you can do and I believe in your capabilities, you should too.

Yammy: Thank you sir, I...I'll do my best to get the job done and not disappoint you.

Mazibuko: That's what I like to hear. Since you'll be on trial, I'm going to appoint our Head of Cyber Security as your mentor to show you the ropes and our systems. But the task is yours alone, you'll have to come up with it and present it yourself so that no one can steal it. Any questions?

Yes! So many!

Yammy: No sir.

Mazibuko: Very well then, you'll get paid an immense amount of money for your work. I'd like an update from you every month and I'm not giving you a timeline so that you can have all the time to perfect your craft since you still have to attend at varsity. Sounds good?

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