Chapter One

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Chapter 1

A Telegram

September 15, 1927

I walk down the stairs, Mary and Edith following me. The two of them are deep in a conversation, arguing, most likely. Mary and Edith seem to get into new arguments often, but they argue less than they did when they were young girls.

Edith came home with Bertie and Marigold for a brief visit, for Robert's birthday; Rose came with Victoria for the summer, with Atticus planning to join them later this month.

Today, Rose decided to go and visit with Cousin Isobel, taking Victoria with her.

"Mama, why must we come with you to Granny's?" Edith asks, sighing, as she adjusts her gloves.

I look back at her, "She invited the three of us."

"You could've told her that we were busy," Mary adds. "You're American, you could face Granny alone."

I ignore Mary's comment as I exit the house, climbing into the car, followed by Edith, then Mary. Mary is less snobbish than she was before, but there is still some snobbishness and pettiness in her. The drive to Mama's is short and I don't talk, but Mary and Edith are arguing about whatever the two of them argue about. I no longer follow any of their arguments.

I have my brother, Paul, his wife, Olivia, and my nieces Lily, Lavender, and Lilac on my mind for some reason. Paul and Olivia live in Newport, Rhode Island, where our mother and older brother, Harold, live. Lily, Lavender and Lilac are 14, 10, and 4, respectively. Olivia was born and raised in Scotland, and has always wished that Paul would let the family move out here, to Yorkshire, or to London at least.

Our visit with Mama ends at the arrival of Lady Shackleton who wants to talk about little Caroline, inheritances, and the hospital. When Mama leaves us, Spratt comes to see us out. Denker unhappily helps us into our coats.

I climb into the car, and then adjust my short, black gloves, my clutch resting on my lap.

"Mama, when are Lily, Lavender, and Lilac coming over?" Mary asks, leaning forward to see my face. "I thought that you said that they were coming this summer."

"I don't know, darling," I reply, in a clipped tone of voice, looking out the window. "Your uncle hasn't written to me with a date quite yet."

Mary drops the subject after sensing that I didn't want to talk about them. So, we ride along in silence, as we approach Downton Abbey. The sun was just beginning to set over the tops of the trees, which made a pretty sight. Mary looks out the window, looking at the wonders of the estate. How she has worked so hard to save it, with Tom and Robert, and in the early days of her involvement in the running, Matthew. Mary misses Matthew everyday, but it is her mission to carry his mission and vision of what the estate could be.

Andrew opens the car door as we pull to a stop at the front door. A small gust of wind picks up, and blows at the hems of our skirts as we climb out of the car.

As I enter the Abbey, Anna is there helping Mary out of her coat, and Edith is patiently waiting for Anna's assistance. Baxter steps forward from the shadows and helps me out of mine, revealing a blue long-sleeve shirt waist and a black skirt that flares out when I walk.

I walk toward the stairs when Carson appears, coming from the door that leads downstairs to the kitchens. Mrs. Hughes is following him, the two of them, arguing about something.

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