Chapter 8

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Crazy Relations

December 21, 1927

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a little chestnut brown haired head pop out from behind the downstairs stone wall.

"The tree is here, Auntie Cora!" Lavender jumps into the kitchen, where I'm going over the Christmas menus. "They've already set it up."

"I'll be up in a minute, dear," I reply, glancing up at her. "I just need to finish here."

I've actually finished the menus and am now reviewing them.

"Auntie Cora!" Lavender groans.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," I smile, putting the menu sheet down.

Lavender laughs, running ahead of me, dancing just out of my reach, her blue pleated skirt swishing behind. I follow her up at a slower pace. Once up the stairs, I find Mary is playing with the children.

Lavender sneaks up behind Mary, scaring her older cousin. Lavie runs away as Mary chases after her. Mary's heels click on the stone floor. The red beads on her dress clink together softly. Lavender's soft brown curls bounce on her shoulders.

Lavender laughs, "You'll never catch me!"

I laugh as I watch Mary and Lavender play with each other. The other children are scattered about the room, giggling and playing. Mary wanders over to me.

Nanny comes down to take the children upstairs for a little bit.

I tell Mary, watching as the children troop upstairs, "This is what your father and I always wanted. A happy life with all of the children. Watching them grow and have families of their own."

Mary agrees, "It's happy, but sad. Especially without our darling Sybil."

"How true your words are," a voice quips from across the hall.

I turn around to find Susan Flintshire standing there, dressed in an unflattering pink dress, several cases at her feet. I share a glance with Mary.

"Susan! What on Earth are you doing here?" I inwardly grimace.

"You wrote and told me that Shrimpie was coming here," Susan says, walking over to me. "I don't know why you invited him. I am Robert's cousin."

Our butler, Barrow, steps into the hall, "Lady Sinderby, Ladyship."

Lady Rachel Sinderby enters, giving me a smile, "I am so sorry to be interrupting. I have a Christmas gift for you all."

Her face is radiating joy, but there is an air of mystery to it. She gives me a quick embrace. Susan steps forward to say something, but Rachel skips over her. She turns to Barrow and nods. Mary smiles, but slips upstairs.

"Hello, Rachel," Susan says, glaring at me.

"Susan," Rachel says, before turning her attention to me. "You must close your eyes, Cora."

I obediently close my eyes, "I hope this isn't an animal of any sort, Rachel."

Rachel laughs, "Fear not Cora, it isn't, not in that sort of way."

A moment later, Susan ruins everything. What was supposed to be a surprise wasn't. Susan didn't close her eyes just to get back at Rachel.

"Rose, I thought you were in New York," Susan blurts out.

My eyes fly open, and I look at Rachel. She has a tinge of disappointment in her eyes. She smiles, trying to make it look like it didn't faze her.

"Rose, darling!" I exclaim happily. "I thought that you were staying in New York!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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