Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Letters and Fights

September 15, 1927

Once back at the Abbey, I see Tom, Isobel, Dickie, Mary, and George all standing at the entrance, awaiting my arrival. Isobel is holding firmly onto George's hand to make sure that he doesn't get run over by the car. Stark pulls to a stop, and climbs out to open my door. I don't follow protocol, and open the door myself. I climb out, and George wrenches free of Isobel's grip. Isobel hurries forward, trying to stop him from running me clean over. It doesn't work at all. He launches himself into my legs, causing me to stagger backwards.

"Hello, Master George," I say, picking him up.

I walk to where Mary, Tom, and Dickie are standing. I hand George back to his mother, and hurry inside, desperate to find some paper and pen. Isobel hurries after me, not really sure about what she can do to help me.

"Cousin Cora," Isobel says, catching up with me. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"No," I reply, hurrying into the drawing room, where my desk is situated. "Well, what I want is what you can't give me."

"You're not the only one who has lost somebody suddenly," Isobel replies, shaking her head.

"Oh, so you lost a brother," I demand, angrily. "Who lived across the ocean, who was your closest friend and confidante? The one who knew you better than anyone else in the world?"

"No, but-" Isobel begins.

"Well, then, you don't know what I am going through, at all. Just stop trying to help me," I reply shortly.

I find some blank writing paper, and an ink-filled pen. I sit down at my desk as Mary, George, Dickie, and Tom burst in. I run my fingers over the embossed lettering at the top, stating where this letter is written, and who it's written by. I ignore the others who are in the room with me, as they try to peer over my shoulder at my writing. I hear Mary and Tom whisper to each other, and George squealing, trying to get himself out of someone's grip, I assume. I write fast and furiously, trying to get all of my thoughts out, onto paper, to Lily, to the one who would understand very well about what I was going through, then and now.

Downton Abbey

Lady Grantham, Countess of Grantham

Cora Crawley

Thursday, September 15, 1927

My dearest and most darling Lily,

My dear, I have written many times before, of happy memories with your father and mother here at Downton, but I grieve alongside you in this time of uncertainty and confusion. I give you my condolences and sympathy upon the death of your father. You didn't just lose a father, that night, I lost a brother, a friend, my closest confidante. I was saddened and shocked to hear of the fire that took place at your home. Now, when you receive this letter, a little over a fortnight ago. I hope that you have no injuries at all. I wish the same for Lavender and little Lilac as well. I hope that you are recovering from the shock that came with the fire.

I am sure that you are worried, it doesn't do any good, to anyone, if you are always extremely worried. I say that, not only out of a way to lend you a helping hand, but also out of experience. When your grandfather, Isodore, was injured after an accident, I was the same age as you are now, actually a year younger, at age 13 , and I didn't have the support system that I needed, that you will have.. I worried all day and night about him. Your uncle Harold worried right along with me, but your late father was too young to have such worries. Seeing how worried Uncle Harold and I were, my mother, your Grandmama, was more worried, not only about Grandpapa, but also about Uncle Harold and I. Take very good care of yourself, Lavender and Lilac. I say that, but I know that Grandmama will take very, very good care of you until the end of all of this is settled. Really, it's funny that I say that, after I had dinner in my own room, not downstairs with the family because I was so worried about you.

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