Chapter 4

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, this is by far my most popular story... if you want any updates pls follow and yeh that's all, without any further ado, I give you a new chapter!

Tanjiro gulped at the dull stares he was given by Zenitsu, Kanao and Genya.

He slowly made his way towards them and stood straight in front of them as if they were the teacher.

"So Kamado was it? Why were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" Zenitsu raised a delicate eyebrow, with the most emotionless Tanjiro ever saw, because Tanjiro was terrified, he took a deep breath and said in a quiet voice, completely unlike him.

"I wanted to apologise, and I want us to try and become friends, my sister didn't mean to yell, but she was just shocked, and she was crying after because she thought she ruined everything, so please can you forgive us, and it's fine if you don't want to be friends but I just don't want us to be enemies and-" Tanjiro started rambling but he was cut off by Genya.

"Forehead boy quit rambling we get the idea!" Genya yelled to get the boy's attention.

Tanjiro cleared his throat and nervously laughed scratching the back of his neck looking down playing with his feet.

He heard some whisper arguments and some agreements being made, but his hearing wasn't good as his smell and he couldn't hear what they were whispering about.

"Okay Kamado, we forgive you because you done nothing, and your sister is fine, but the next time this happens don't expect to be forgiven so quickly," Genya spoke up after a while of tense silence.

It took Tanjiro a few seconds to comprehend what was going on , before smiling happily and thanking them and running off.

Zenitsu POV:

Tanjiro ran off with a huge smile on his face, and I couldn't help but smile, something about him makes it near impossible to be angry at.

I turn and look at Kanao who is suspiciously quiet all of a sudden.

"Kanao? Are you blushing~" I say in a sing song voice to annoy my best friend. She slapped me on my arm weakly which was the first giveaway.

Kanao is not a girl to underestimate she can throw a punch and beat anyone anytime, so er hitting me weakly was a definite sign.

Kanao grew up without a brother and I grew up without a sister and somehow we became like siblings towards each other and Genya came somehow, but her cousin Aoi terrifies me still after I tried to look at some fish.

My name is Zenitsu Agatsuma and this is my story.

When I was born, I had parents and they took care of me, but my dad was killed and my mum had abused me then kicked me out of the house when I was only 4 years old.

Some nice townspeople put me in an orphanage and came to check up on me, but after a while they stopped.

No one played with me because I was scared of lots of things, and people thought I was cowardly, then a girl came in and she was so quiet and she had no name, I gave her a name Kanao, and she liked it.

We were inseparable since then but when we were 8 years old we were adopted by respective families.

Kanao went into a very wealthy family who were known for owning a hospital the Kocho family, and I was adopted by an old man called Jigoro.

I called him gramps because he was like a grandpa to me, and I also had an older brother Kaigaku, who is a police officer.

Me and Kaigaku never got along but he was always angry and tried to arrest anyone who made me have an anxiety or panic attack in primary.

Now he's in Shanghai for a few years and I haven't seen him in a while.

A short while after he left I found that that Gramps knew the Kocho family and I met Kanao again, we also met Genya, whose brother was dating Kanao's oldest sister Kanae.

We were like a family and have always visited each other's houses since then.

But now we have dorms and I haven't seen Gramps for some time because he doesn't have a phone and he lives an hour away from the school.

I miss him a lot, but Kanao and Genya help me and take my mind off it for so long.

I may have reacted badly when Tanjiro's sister announced it to the whole world, but I was worried for Kanao, she was abused since she was born and was a slave.

I am actually happy to be friends with Tanjiro, he seems very kind I can hear it.

Oh right, the hearing.

For as long as I known I have had inhuman hearing and I could hear lots of sounds that no one else could hear.

That's why I was bullied, I was called Big Ears, not because my ears were big, they were normal sized, but my hearing was way stronger.

My instincts aren't the best, but I always trust my hearing and it has never failed me. Hence why i heard Tanjiro was nice.

I realised I had to apologise to Nezuko, for acting that way and I looked around for her, but Kanao was sighing as she stared into the distance.

Genya and I looked at each other with wide eye, what do you do with a girl madly in love?

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