Chapter 6

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Sorry for the long wait, I was at the doctors for a whole week!!

Anywhoo new chapter for all those waiting!!!

Nezuko POV:

I open my eyes and wait for the light to come down before I stretch and I go to the bathroom to get changed.

As I was brushing my hair, I recalled everything that happened the past week, we started at our new school and I thought I ruined our chance to make friends by unintentionally insulting some kids.

Thankfully my big brother was able to sort things out with them and learn some things about them.

Truthfully one of the kids caught my eye, Zenitsu, he seemed different from the rest. He always smiles, and helps people as far as what I have seen but he seems to be hiding something. I told my brother about this and he agreed with me about that, but he also told me not to worry about it.

I check my watch and I scream, I was going to be late for school, I spent way too long daydreaming about Zenitsu's story. 

I quickly put down the comb without tying up my hair and ran downstairs to grab a croissant and hugged my parents goodbye before making a run for it.

My big brother already left earlier so I was on my own to run to school. Just as the bell rang I ran into the classroom and my teacher just sighed.

"Nezuko, I get that your new but why do you always come to class late?" Ms Shinobu asked. I just laughed.

"Um- I may have slept in, I really did try to come earlier but..." I trailed off thinking of an excuse.

Ms Shinobu just smiled and told me to take a seat and get ready. 

After an exhausting hour learning about Chemistry I was free and I ran outside to see Aoi. She smiled and hugged me and asked how class was, I just groaned. 

"Hey Nezuko, you said you wanted to make friends right?" Aoi asked me. I said yes and she grabbed my hand and dragged me.

I started yelling at her to let me go. But she ignored me.

I found the strength to get up and walk on my own and I found out she was dragging me to the table were Kanao, Zenitsu and Genya sat. I turned and I saw Inosuke dragging Tanjiro. Wait did they plan this?!

Tanjiro seemed a lot more cooperative then me, so it probably wasn't that bad.

I took a deep breath as we reached their table. They looked at us, and it was a pretty awkward silence.

Thankfully Inosuke broke the silence," Oi Monitsu! Why are you so quiet all of a sudden, isn't that Bonoa's thing?" he said.

That broke the silence. Zenitsu looked angry and he rose from his seat and grabbed Inosuke by the shirt," For the last time Insouke! MY NAME IS ZENITSU!!! NOT MONITSU NOT MINION?!?" he started to yell.

Inosuke smirked," FIGHT MEE!" 

"I think I will!!" Zenitsu got up in a fighting stance, and so did Inosuke.

And they ran towards each other before Mr Tomioka placed a hand on both of their foreheads making them run on the spot.

"No," that's all he said. Before both boys sighed and sat down glaring at each other.

"And you call yourselves best friends, tt" Genya said.

They all sat down except for me.

"Well then? Aren't you going to sit down?" Zenitsu asked me. I just nodded before looking for a place when he moved and made some space for me to sit next to him.

I quietly sat there and soon we all started talking and learning some things about each other.

But before we could continue the bell rang signalling for the next class and al the students started to make their way out.

"Hey what classes do you all have now?" I ask looking at my schedule.

"I have Chemistry," Kanao and Tanjiro said at the same time before smiling.

"Well I have English," Aoi said.

"I have, what does it say..." Inosuke trailed off. Aoi snatched his schedule and said that he had PDHPE.

"Inosuke you really need glasses.." Aoi said.

"Hmm, I guess I have Maths, Oh come on with my brother ughh," Genya whined.

"Hmm, I have History now," Zenitsu said.

"Um So do I.." I trail off. He smiles, and soon we all make our way to the classes and me and Zenitsu talk for a while.

"Um Zenitsu... are you still mad at me about the thing that happened a few days ago?" I ask quietly.

"What thing?- OHH! That, nah it's ok, plus you didn't mean to right? So it's all forgiven. Plus you are really nice so why would I stay angry at you," he says stopping for a moment.

"Everyone thinks that I'm either a crybaby or a bully, because well, that's the only ways I've been introduced right? I'm not a bully, despite what everyone thinks, I actually despise them you know. But I guess I am a crybaby, god everyone who knew me before knows that. But you and your brother Tanjiro, are different. You don't think too less of me or too much of me and I am thankful for that." he says before running into the classroom.

I stand shocked for a while before moving numbly into my seat," Is that what he really feels like, he doesn't deserve it all," I mumble quietly. The girl next to me overhears it.

"Who are you talking about?" she asks. The girl has mid-length brown hair and piercing black eyes.

"Oh... Zenitsu why?" I say smiling at her, she could be a new friend.

"Do you like him?" she asks glaring at me. I get confused.

"Um.. no?" I say although it seems like a question because I did not understand what she meant.

"Listen here new girl, you may think just because your friends with him and you talk together you are now besties or something, well you aren't Zenitsu is mine and don't you forget it," she scoffs and takes her stuff and moves to a different table.

What was wrong with that girl, she needs to chill out, I don't like him.

I know that she's still glaring at me I ignored her.

Well I guess I made my very first enemy. How troublesome.

Hello!! Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, and this was terribly executed as well, but the next chapter will be focusing on TanKana.

I will hopefully find the time to rewrite this story for you all but, I am really sick right now soo.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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