Fucking Up

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A/N: Mini question for my consistent readers, what Ronnie look is your favorite? I go by hair if that helps haha. My favorite is short black hair 2019 Ronnie or old escape the fate Ronnie.

Juliet's POV

"Ronnie!" I squealed, running to the back of the bus where he was.

"Ronnie!" Ryan whined, imitating me.

I glared at him, "shut the fuck up."

"Ronnie!" I squealed again, reaching his room to see him sitting on his bed.

He gleamed up at me, "what?"

"So," I grinned, taking his hands in mine as I sat next to him, "remember how I was saying that I really needed to figure out a job?" I asked, he nodded, "I got offered one!" I squealed again, hugging him.

"That's amazing!" He laughed at my sudden tackle. "What is it for?"

"I'll be doing graphic design and animation, it's not exactly what I want but at least it's something I like," I smiled, "plus, I figured if this works out, it could get my name out there and I could start painting professionally."

"That's a great start babe, I'm proud of you," he smiled.

I kissed him quickly, running to grab my laptop to send some emails. This was amazing, it's the best start I have to working up to my dream job. The only bad part which I neglected to tell Ronnie was that I'd have to move, the company needed someone in person so it's faster for production. I don't think it should be too much of a deal, but I'm still nervous to tell him.

Ronnie left the room, leaving me to my thoughts. This is what I want... isn't it? This is the best opportunity I have, I should take it... right? Ronnie would be happy for me... wouldn't he? We'd make this work... hopefully.


*5 months later*

I moaned, flipping us over so I was on top. It was our second round of the day, earlier him having finished inside of me. I wasn't worried, I had an IUD.  I looked down at him, unbuckling his jeans and beginning to pull them down. When his jeans were to his ankles, my fingers hooked the waistband of his briefs, lightly scratching at the skin as I smirked up at him. I saw him bite his lip, making me begin to pull his briefs down.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I rolled my eyes with a groan, reaching for it. Ronnie looked at me, neediness in his eyes making me smirk to myself as I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Juliet Taylor?"

"Yes, this is her," I spoke.

"Hi, this is Angie, we emailed about the job you accepted," she said.

I felt Ronnie pull at my hips, making me stand and move away from him, "oh, yes, hi," I nervously laughed.

"I was just calling to inform you that you still hadn't accepted our plane tickets or boarding information and if you don't do so by the fifteenth, we're going to have to move on to other candidates."

I felt my stomach drop, the fifteenth was in two days, "oh, yeah, I'm sorry about that, I'll make sure to accep-" I looked back at Ronnie, "uh- can I call you back?"

"Sure, that's totally fine," she said.

"Okay, thank you, bye," I said, hanging up the phone.

I felt my hips being pulled back onto the bed. "Who was that?" Ronnie mumbled, kissing me sloppily.

I pulled away, "I have to talk to you."

He whined, pulling my hips against his, "can't it wait?" He kissed my neck.

"Ronnie, no, this is serious," I said, lightly pushing him back by his chest.

He sighed, pulling his pants up, "okay, fine."

I bit my lip, "I don't really know how to tell you this..."

He chuckled, "what'd you do, cheat on me?" He smirked, "as you know babe, we aren't together, you fuck whoever you'd like, doesn't bother me."

His words hurt me. After the day I forgave him, I decided it'd be best if we didn't date, knowing I'd end up getting hurt in the end and I didn't want to ruin what we had. "No, Ronnie, it's not that, stop fucking around and let me talk," I became irritated.

He held up his hands, "yes mam."

"So, my job," he nodded, "I..."

"Spit it out babe," he spoke.

"I have to move to Oregon," I blurted.

He stared at me, his mouth partially open, "what?"

"I have to move to Oregon for the job, they said it would make production easier," I said, biting my lip, hoping he'd be happy for me.

"Then you're not going," he laughed sarcastically.

I gave a confused face and furrowed my eyebrows, "excuse me?"

"You're not going," he spat.

"Who are you to tell me what I can do with my life?" I asked, my voice raising.

"You've depended on other people your whole life, clearly you don't know what to do with your life."

My mouth dropped as I stared at him in shock. I huffed, standing from the bed and grabbing a suitcase from our closet. I began throwing random items into it as I felt his eyes on me. When I finished throwing everything into the bag, I stormed out of the room, making my way into the living room where Derek and Jacky sat.

"Juliet!" Ronnie yelled as I heard his footsteps become louder.

"Fuck you!" I screamed, whipping my head around to see him almost as angry as myself.


Ronnie cut Jacky off, "shut the fuck up."

"Don't fucking talk to him like that!" I yelled at Ronnie.

"You don't know him like I do, who are you to stand up for him?!" Ronnie yelled.

"We've known him for the same fucking amount of time you dumbass!" I screamed.

"Fucking bitc-"

"Hey!" Jacky yelled, standing and putting his hands on Ronnie's shoulders, "what are you doing man?" He looked Ronnie in the eyes then said something quietly that I couldn't hear. Instantly, Ronnie's face softened.


"All I wanted was to figure out how we'd work this out," I felt myself begin to cry, "you know," I laughed to myself, "I might've even stayed if you asked me to, but now, I'm leaving." I turned, opening the door.


"No," I turned back to him, "you fucked up, I know that's what you're thinking. You're probably thinking that you'll give me time to cool off and then we can talk about, right?" I raised my eyebrows at him. "Guess what? You fucked up for good. Anything we had going on is ruined, and you can thank yourself for that, prick."

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