A hallowing pit

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Upon arrival back to Mumbai, Akshara begged Abhimanyu to let her get a taxi and go back home. Abhimanyu clung on to her, insisting that Charles drop her home but he sighed, defeated when she pouted and gave him a look with her eyes.

"Text me as soon as you get home?" he questioned cupping her cheeks.

Akshara smiled at him, "Haan baba... promise" she whispered.

And then debated her next move against her heart. Oh, whatever, she was already going to hell - she might as well enjoy the ride! She leaned up and pressed a tight kiss on his lips, assuring him that she would text him.

"And I will see you tomorrow morning too" she smiled at him.

Abhimanyu smiled widely and then scrunched his eyebrows, "tomorrow?"

"Office Abhi" she reminded him, teasing him.

"Oh," he said shaking his head, what had happened to him? All he could recall was Akshara.

And then it hit him a second later.

"Abhi?" he asked teasing her back with a glint in his eyes.

He watched pleasingly as blood rushed up to her cheeks and she instantly blushed looking down. Oh, she looked so cute and adorable, lord have mercy on his heart!

"Woh - it slipped out," she said quietly not making eye contact and not sure where to look.

He chuckled, raising her chin so that her eyes met his, and then he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss.

"You have the right to call me whatever you want... Abhi sounds nice actually, I have not heard it in a while" he said gently.

Akshara gave him a small smile and hid her face in her hands.

"Someone's shy" Abhimanyu laughed again, pulling her to him.

"Shut up" she giggled, separating herself from him. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "okay bye... will text you"

And with that, she ran off with her suitcase to the taxi terminal.

"Careful" he yelled after her chuckling as he watched her silhouette disappear into the crowd.

Oh, Akshara.

His heart pounded fast.

He had forgotten he could ever feel this emotion at all. But with her, it was so easy. It came to him as easily as breathing. Taking care of her. Adoring her. Making sure she was okay.

He didn't know how.

And he didn't know when.

But she had made a place in his heart.

Or maybe she always had it.


Later that night, Akshara sat at her vanity desk and brushed her wet hair. Smiling, she remembered when Abhimanyu had dried her hair with a towel only just 24 hours ago. Closing her eyes, she relished in the memory of his touch.

And when she opened her eyes, her eyes fell on the locket that sat on her favourite old bracelet.

Running her fingers over it, she felt memories overcome her, and then all of a sudden she felt like something was stuck in her throat, as tears overcame her.

Realisation hit her all at once.

This was all temporary.

She was going to hurt him.

And hurt herself in the process.

The worst part was that she was realising every day that he didn't deserve it.

Him the tall generous man who reminded her of rays of sunlight every time he laughed. He couldn't see a single employee upset. He who noticed all the little things and went out of his way to make everyone comfortable. He who she realised had grown up without a Mother. The last one hit too close to home.

But she could not be selfish in her feelings for him and sacrifice justice for the hundreds who had died.

You crazy girl Akshara, she reprimanded herself.

How did you develop feelings for him?

And so strong also?

She smiled weakly through her tears, "then ruin me" his words echoed in her head.

What a cruel game of fate.

What a disaster.

In the background, she watched as a figure came into her room carrying a tray with some cut up fruit on it. Rosie.

Rosie watched Akshara's tear-stained face and let out a sigh, this is what she was afraid of. This is why she had wanted Akshara to make a fresh new start. And not get into this mess.

Revenge was never easy. It was only a hallowing pit that drowned you more.

She kept the tray beside her as Akshara looked on at her with tears dropping out of her eyes.

"Akshara... my child" Rosie whispered as she sat beside her and pulled her in.

"Rosie.." she wept, letting her walls down for once and burying her face in the old lady's arms.

"I fear I have started something that I am not capable of destroying"


Abhimanyu sat inside his study at home, working away on some tasks and he had finished most of them too. His week away at the retreat had meant that a lot of his work had piled up and it wasn't like him to leave anything unfinished or incomplete. It was a good thing he was efficient with his time and could work in record time speed to get everything done. He had a strict routine and this time he had allowed himself to stray.

But, he realised stretching his arms, he didn't regret it one single bit.

No, because he had gotten to see the smile of an angel as a result.

His Akshara.

He pulled out his phone and noted the text she had sent him, "I am going to sleep, goodnight. Please get some rest, don't work too hard. I will see you tomorrow ... Abhi"

Abhi, how naturally she had called him Abhi too. It sounded so good out of her lips.

He smiled, sitting back in his chair, lost in his memories of her when his phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, he felt a rush of adrenaline run through him.

"Hello" he picked up straight away.

"Sir - sorry to call you at this time -" the voice on the other end began

"No please go on, this is important to me" Abhimanyu interrupted them. He had been patient for far too long and it was this one phone call that he had been waiting for.

"Sir, we have unlocked case F - 11/5 as per your request once again, as you know it has been a constant battle to keep this case open but we are heeding to this request and doing our best" the voice on the other end spoke.

"Thank you" Abhimanyu spoke, "and the identity?" he questioned.

"Don't worry Sir - the reopening of the case as per usual is not linked to you"

"Great," Abhimanyu said with a sigh of relief, "any updates?"

"Actually Sir that is why I was calling. Perhaps this would make for a better conversation in person but there are some more details that have come out about the case".

"Go on" Abhimanyu ordered, without realising he was holding on to his breath.

And then the next sentence shook his entire body to his core.

"Sir - Sir I really hate to tell you this but it seems that the Birla name is connected with the case... and there is a chance it might even be a Birla member that is the entity behind the case".


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