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When Akshara woke up the second time, Abhimanyu was sitting right next to her just as he promised. Stomach grumbling, Akshara realised just how hungry she was and Abhimanyu ardently noticed and decided to organise her meal.

"I'll be right back," he said kissing her forehead as he stepped out of her hospital room to check in on what she could eat.

Stepping out, he frowned as he noted an old lady that was standing there. Her features were soft, with grey hair tied back into a bun, and holding a Tiffin carrier, she stood there watching Akshara through the glass screen.

Turning around to meet her eye with Abhimanyu, he felt a pang in his stomach.

Those features.

Why did she look so familiar?

The lady, now making eye contact with him walked up closer.

Abhimanyu scrunched up his eyes as they stood in front of each other.

Rosie approaching Abhi, placed a soft trembling hand on his cheek as tears overcame her slowly.

"You... you have grown so much.." she whispered quietly to herself.

Abhimanyu observed in confusion, why was she saying that to him? What the hell?

And why did her touch feel familiar?

He took a step back instantly.

"I'm sorry... do I know you?" he asked in confusion. "Do you know my Akshara?

Rosie snapped out of her reverie, taking a step back instantly, consoling her soft broken heart.

"Woh- I- sorry you reminded me of someone" she lied through her teeth.

Abhimanyu looked at her for a moment and then nodded, feeling odd about the interaction but letting it go.

"Are you here to see Akshara?" he asked taking in the old lady's state. He had gathered by now that Akshara did not have much family.. so who was this lady?

"I am sorry... I know this may be rude... but I am very protective of Akshara.. could you tell me who you are?" he repeated out loud, his protective side coming out.

Rosie gave him a gentle smile, my oh my had he grown up. It was so bittersweet.

"My child... I am her caretaker at the accommodation she lives at... they informed me as her emergency contact and I came straight away" Rosie told him.

"Oh... I see" Abhimanyu nodded. "She is in there... just woke up and I am arranging her meals, I am sure she would like to see you"

He gave her a polite smile and started walking in the other direction as Rosie watched his back turn away and walk in the distance away from her.


Akshara gasped as she saw the visitor who had walked in.

"Rosie" she squealed as she tried to get up and Rosie was by her side instantly hushing her down.

"Akshara careful beta!" she reprimanded straight away. Akshara gave her a little innocent smile as she settled down in her bed.

And Rosie's eyes filled with tears taking in her state. She caressed her hair softly and then cupped her cheek.

"You really scared me ... what on earth were you thinking? How did this happen?" Rosie asked, setting the Tiffin box down to her side and sitting down. "Do you even know what went through me when I got the call from the hospital?"

Akshara looked at her guiltily, she could only imagine what Rosie had been through.

"Sorry, Rosie..." Akshara winced, taking in her tears.

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