I'm gonna get you out of here

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A couple of nights went by and I kept seeing Merrill in distress, I've had enough of this. I know I don't necessarily know him that well but I can tell he's a good guy and does not deserve to be in a place like this. "I'll take the night shift tonight!" I rushed to say as I said the phrase in random words to my other employees and my boss. "Ok Ella, just be careful, you know how these coocoos are at night" my employee/best friend Natalie said while swirling her finger at the side of her head and crossing her eyes, referring to the patients. I didn't show it but it sure as hell pissed me off. My boss handed me the keys and left with my other employees. I was in the mental institution all alone now, time to break him out! I ran across the hall to cell 302, Merrill's room. I unlocked the door and stepped in, he looked even more exhausted then ever before. "Merrill?" I said as I stepped a bit closer to him. He looked up at me as his eyes lit up "Mariella?" He asked while looking up at me, obviously confused on why I was in this "criminally insane" patient's room. "Im gonna get you out of here" I said to him as I nelt down near him "WHAT?" He asked in surprise. "I don't care if I get fired, you don't deserve to be here, and your clearly, perfectly sane" I said to him as I started helping him get his straight jacket off. It made me even more mad when I saw him in a straight jacket, knowing my employees put him in one after I didn't. After I got him out I took him to the front door to exit, but just then we heard police sirens go off. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" I quickly put my hands up hearing this and so did Merrill. "GET OFF OF HER" The police yelled as they tackled Merrill thinking he was kidnapping me. "NO STOP!" I yelled as I tried to pull one of the police men off of him. "STAY OUTTA THIS LADY" he said as he pushed me down hard onto the ground. What had I just gotten Merrill into? Oh No! What if they can prove that he's sane and take him to jail?! This is bad! I thought "this mental sicko from The institution was trying to kidnap one of the employees while escaping" I heard one police officer say into his walkie talkie, I was fucking pissed off. But at the same time I knew it was my fault. I was the one who had gotten him into this so I had to come clean. "STOP ALL OF YOU STOP!" Right as I said that everyone stopped to stare at me. "He did not try to escape, nor did he try to kidnap me-" I was cut off by one of my employees, Delilah. "But Mariella! He's escaped multiple times! There's obviously evidence that he's attempted to escape AGAIN this time!!" She said from out in the crowd. "Yes, I'm aware of that! But he's not criminally insane! Or insane at all! I was the one who took him out of the institution!" I heard a loud gasp from everyone around me as I spilled the tea. My employees looked at me like I was one of the patients. I glanced over to Merrill who was still being restrained by two police men but with sorrow in his eyes as I had just confessed. "Alright missy, we're taking you in for assisting in escape." One of the police officers said as they put me in cuffs as well. "BUT HES NOT INSANE! HES NOT A CRIMINAL AT ALL! YOU PEOPLE FALSELY ACCUSED HIM!" I yelled out to the crowd in rage. "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT" the police officer who was cuffing me said. I knew I didn't have a choice so I just stayed quiet. They told me I only had a 2 month sentence, which I was relieved to hear but still! I've never been to jail before!! And I was wondering How Merrill was doing in the institution, and I'm pretty sure I'm fired from my job so I don't know what I'm going to do!

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