Droping the Insanity Defense

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The next day, Merrill woke up and I took him to the station to go file a police report, defending against the insanity defense that Merrill was put under. Everyone looked at me like I was some sort of freak as I took Merrill into the police station. I overheard people around me whispering things to eachothet like; "That's the guy who escaped" and "what is she doing with him?" I knew it was crazy, but something had to be done. "Mariella, I'm not sure about this" Merrill said as we were about to enter the police station. "I know it's crazy but I have to prove your not insane! If anything you'll GO insane if you stay in that asylum any longer!" I told him. "THATS HIM" I heard a voice say in the distance. Three police officers came out of no where and attempted to restrain Merrill but I guarded him. "He's not insane! Don't you people get it?" I said "I'm sorry ma'am but evidence has proven his criminal acts are caused by his mental state." A police officer told me. I didn't wanna put up with it so I just ran up to the front desk and handed in the papers stating my opinion of his case onto the desk. "Here are my papers for my plead against Merrill's  "Insanity". I'd like to prove he's not insane and to drop the defense of Criminal Insanity." I told the lady up front. "Are you sure ma'am?" The woman asked me while shuffling my papers. "Yes" I replied with a solid answer. "Ok then. But we'll still need to take Merrill into court with you if you want to drop his insanity defense." She said as she looked towards the police men taking Merrill away. He looked at me smiling as he was being dragged away, I was assuming he overheard what me and the lady had discussed, we're gonna get him out for good! But wait, when his insanity defense drops, they'll charge him with actual criminality! And I'll have to have some source of evidence at court to prove he's not insane, a criminal, or criminally insane instead of just stating my thoughts! It's going to be five months before Merrill is out on trial, hopefullly enough time to gather enough evidence to drop his insanity defense and drop his charges that they will try to charge him with! I heard they're going to keep Merrill in the Mental institution until the day comes. I'm going to visit him everyday until then!! I don't have any physical evidence of showing that Merrill has not done any of these criminal acts they're charging him with but no matter what people say, I can tell he's a good guy and has a good heart inside. Even if he did need help, he still has a good heart and intentions.
The next day, I went straight to the asylum to see Merrill. I was happy I was finally getting him out of this he'll like place. "Merley?" I said as I opened the door. "Your creating nicknames now Mariella?" Merrill said in an amused tone. "Yes, I like it though! I can call you Merley Werley!" I told him "please don't" he said a bit annoyed. "Oh I will" I said as I nelt down near him laughing. "Listen Mariella, I really appreciate you doing this for me, it means a lot" he said to me. "Of course! I would do anything to get someone who's not insane out of here, or anyone in general even if they are insane, judging on how eerie this hell hole is."
I said. "Yea, that's for sure" he responded. The next few months I visited Merrill every single day. Call me crazy but I think he might have a bit of a crush on me. After a while he started blushing everytime I would see him or complement him. I'm not saying he does but those are definitely the symptoms of it. I think I might like him back, but I don't know what my friends would think of me, would they accept me? Every day Merrill seemed to act more psychotic, which was weird because he never acted like that. It was just then that I was seeing this other, foreign side to him. He even stole one of the Pharamistic's undergarments! I think he's probably just been in that Asylum for way too long.

The day of the trial came and I was ready with evidence that supports my side, and the jury's arguments to support their's. I saw Merrill standing across from me, he smiled when he saw me. He was in a straight jacket with two men at his side making sure he didn't try to go anywhere. "How do you plead to your criminal acts?" The Judge asked Merrill. "Not guilty and sane" Merrill replied. "And how do you plead to this defense Mariella" the judge asked me. "Defendant" I replied.  "Ms Mariella please state your argument to drop Merrill's insanity defense."  The judge asked me. I handed my defense papers to the person who handed them to the judge. I fidgeted with my fingers as the judge read them looking agitated. When the judge was done reading she asked me; "Do you have any physical evidence that proves Merrill is perfectly sane and why Merrill shouldn't be charged for his criminal acts?" The judge asked. I stayed silent knowing I hadn't. "No your honor, I do not" I answered honestly. "Ok then" she responded. "I can see how you would think that Merrill is not insane because he doesn't appear to be in an insane state of mind like the other patients, but it doesn't mean he isn't" the judge said to me. "Yes your honor, I'm aware of that" I answered. "I'm sorry Mariella but I will have to turn your defense case down. He is mentally unstable and needs help. There is too much physical evidence against him in order to support your case" the judge said while hitting her gavel on the table. "Wait, what? No you can't do that! He's perfectly sane and he's-" I was cut off "ORDER! ORDER IN THE COURT!" Yelled the judge as she started banging the gavel violently.

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