Mental Escapee

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After my 2 month jail sentence went by, I was determined to visit Merrill again. I went to the Psychiatric hospital to look for Merrill. As I had suspected, I got fired. But honestly, I'm kind of glad I got fired. I mean, that place is chaotic! I asked if Merrill was still in the same room as before, but my ex-employees said he'd been taken into another room where the people who are in the worst state of Criminal Insanity go, room 503 for Merrill. I ran to the elevator and down the steps to get to his room. There was a guard guarding the door. "Do you need help Miss?" He asked while seeing me pre-occupied looking spastically around the room. "Yes, actually I do, can you please open the door your guarding?" I asked "sorry, I'm not allowed to do that" he said in a firm voice. "Please! I'm begging you! Just for one second!" I said desperately. "I'm sorry ma'am, if something happens to you or him, it's under my responsibility" he said keeping a straight facial expression. "Ughh! Please!! Please please!! This is serious! He was falsely accused of being psychotic! And he's clearly not! Can't you see he's perfectly sane???" I asked out of frustration. "Hmmm, he did seem to be more mentally alert and aware then other patients, ok fine, but just for a minute!" He said as he opened the door so I could squeeze through. "Thank you so much!" I said as I walked through the door. "Merrill?" I asked waiting for an answer from the complete darkness "Mariella!" I heard from the distance. I then saw Merrill come out in a straight jacket..once again. "Listen, I'm so sorry for what I've gotten you into, it's all my fault" I said as I started crying "it's okay Mariella! I know you were just trying to help, and trust me I've been through worse" he said. "But I really do believe you, your obviously sane!" I said to him "yes, exactly, I'm perfectly sane.." he then said while laughing in a sarcastic manner, even almost in a psychotic way! I just thought he didn't know what he was saying after all this so I brushed it off. "Hey, you know that girl Natalie?" He said referring to my work employee. "Yea, what about her?" I asked "I stole her wallet!" He said while laughing in a high pitched tone and pulling out Natalie's wallet from behind his back. "MERRILL?! ARE YOU CRAZY! YOUR GONNA GET YOURSELF INTO EVEN MORE TROUBLE!" I said while yelling-whispering. I went out to ask the other employees for updates about Merrill. They said he had been stealing people's stuff, breaking things, impersonating, trying to break out, attempting to attack and hurt other employees, and pulling heinous pranks & jokes on people who worked at the Institution! I was shocked, this wasn't Merrill at all! But something about this new version made me like him, I mean, I know what he's doing is bad but he does it so well! I then left to go home. The next day I heard on the news that a Patient from the Mental hospital that I WORKED AT had escaped! What if it was Merrill? The news was at nightfall that there was an escapee on the loose which was odd because usually they would wait until the next morning to give news out. I went outside to look for Merrill and then I found him, in the woods, still with a straight jacket on. "Merrill! Are you alright?" I said running over to him "Mariella! Oh I'm so glad to see you!" He said as he smiled. "I just heard on the news that you escaped! Are you crazy?" I asked. "Yes, I'm crazy" he responded, I just thought he was trying to be a smart ass so I brushed it off. "Come! I'll take you inside!" I said as I took him into my house. I took his straight jacket off and washed the dried dandruff out of his hair, he seemed relaxed as I did. I really do care for him, unlike that institution. I don't know what it is it just feels like a magnetic pulse that pushes us together, like the universe knew we were meant to be! Wait what am I saying, I'm not going to date a possibly psycho escapee from a mental institution, am I? I thought to myself

Merrill's POV:
I was running in the woods, running to absolutely no where. Just then I saw a light in the distance, it was a house! And I see a person there, is that, could that be, it's Mariella! She was running towards me and looked scared as she told me she had heard on the news that I had escaped. She then took me into her house as she took me out of the straight jacket, and washed the dandruff out of my hair. I don't know what it was about Mariella, it's just she was so gentle, sweet, kind and extroverted! And very much different from the other rough employees at the Institution. It just felt like this was right.

Back to Mariella's POV:
After I cleaned him up, I showed him to the guest room in my house to sleep. I could tell He was very tired and didn't sleep for days so he went out like a light.

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