.1 - 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀

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(the past's shadow)

𝐓here was something about France that always struck a sense of pain within Judith Almeida. Something so different about the air here than the one she'd grown used to in Massachusetts. It was colder here, timider despite being warmer in temperature. She once wondered what it would be like to return to her rightful home. Marmee always told her that she experienced the greatest of joys when returning to her own childhood home. That it sent warmth through her chest and pleased her heart. Yet all Judith had felt since returning to her country of origin was nothing but dread. It felt as though Paris had sucked the life from her. Maybe it was because of her parents or maybe it was because it held the first of her tragedies. Either way, her expectations of joyous memories of her life before the incident were shattered with devastating reminders of how alone she truly was. 

Don't get her wrong, Aunt March did a great deal for her. She raised her up as her own daughter and despite how the March girls describe her, Judith rarely ever saw her wickedly cruel side. She presumed the girls had grown quite the misunderstanding of their Aunt due to her different lifestyle. Their home was always loud and full of warmth and joy whereas everything was spotless and at a normal tone with Aunt March. On days when the elder woman felt too incompetent to fully take care of Judith, she'd sent her over to Marmee where she'd spend her day with the women she'd grown to call cousins. But despite it all, the Marches were not her true family and she found days where she'd find herself missing her mother and father more than anything. 

She was the last remaining Almeida and that alone left her heart bare. 

"How has your painting lesson gone?" Judith asked Amy who sat across from her beside Aunt March in the carriage as they moved through the busy street. The sun cast a warm glow down on the people below with clear skies making for a joyous day. She did not doubt that Amy used it to her advantage in her lesson. 

The blonde let a soft sigh blow past her lips as she sunk into the carriage seat. Judith's brows shot up in surprise at the look of defeat on her face. "I'll never be as good as them, Jude." She admitted, her head hanging in embarrassment. 

Judith's brows furrowed as she looked at Aunt March who seemingly shared her surprise. Usually, Amy was so bright about her work. She had made it her life's mission when they were young to remind Judith no matter how hard she tried with her drawings, they would never be as good as her own. "Oh, nonsense." Judith dismissed with a shake of her head. She brought her hand beneath Amy's chin, lifting her head for her. "You are a magnificent artist with many talents, Amy."

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