.19 - 𝓫𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮

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(bargaining fate)

𝐓here was nothing more Judith wanted than peace and quiet to take in her final breaths as a free woman. It had been a few weeks since she had first met her man-to-be. He had grown quite fond of her very fast despite her best efforts to tarnish her image. Lou was to officially propose this afternoon when the two ventured out together for their stroll around the gardens of her home. Aunt March had warned her of the consequences of turning away his hand and urged her to take the right path in shaping her future. There was no escape from this imprisonment, no alternative decision either. It was Lou or a brothel as the elder woman so kindly reminded her. 

The day was meant to slowly pass by and the warmth of the spring sun was meant to have melted away the impending dread for what was to come. She would sit out on her blanket and paint before practicing her vocals and then she would scream and cry as much as she liked before pampering up into the perfect bride-to-be. But it appeared fate would never gift her a break, not even in her most desperate hour for peace.

An exasperated sigh blew past Judith's lips as she set the porcelain doll Beth had given her before she left for her travels to Europe down on her chest. Her head turned to face the mischievous smile twisting Theodore's lips. He lay beside her on the blanket on his side with his cheek resting against his hand. "Is it truly so hard for you to understand I never want to see you again?" She asked her voice heavy with annoyance. 

He merely scoffed, reaching his hand out to grab the doll but she quickly moved it away from his reach before hugging the object closer to her chest. "Quit posing as though you don't love my company, Judith." He said teasingly.

"I loathe your company, Theodore," She stated matter of factually, her eyes narrowing in a small glare. "Matter of fact, I think it's time you returned to your grandfather. Don't you? He is expecting you after all."

He chuckled softly to himself as he watched her turn her gaze back up to the sky. "I will return very soon." He reassured though the answer held no actual weight to it.

Judith couldn't help but roll her eyes. "You've said that a dozen times in the past month."

"Short answers save trouble." He lazily responded, the words only fueling her irritation. 

She hummed to herself, "Well, your short answers have caused me lots of trouble." His brow lifted slightly in amusement as he watched her fiddle with the doll's arm. "Is that so?" He inquired, causing her to nod. She turned her head to look at him once more as she said, "I wish to know when my torture will end and your tormenting will stop."

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