.22 - 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷

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(the little women)

𝐉udith finally understood the story of Marmee's experiences of visiting her childhood home as she approached the March household for the first time again since Meg's wedding all those years ago. She had long forgotten the feeling of joy bubbling up to her chest and the warmth of the old crickety walls. It was probably one of her greatest joys since she turned her sights toward Europe. It was then that she came to realize that France had never been her home. It had harbored her, yes. But her home was right here in Massachusetts with the March sisters and their prized best friend Theodore Laurence. 

Theodore held Judith's hand tightly within his own, his thumb rubbing gently over her skin as they approached the door to the March household. She turned her head toward him as he knocked on the door. "Do you think it will be the same without her?" She inquired with a sad smile. She couldn't possibly imagine the March household without her gleaming Beth and feared the darkness that could have taken to the halls in the absence of her bright joy. 

"No, I don't." He confirmed Judith's worst fears with a short nod. "But that doesn't mean it has to be any less bright." He reassured her with a gentle squeeze of her hand, as though he could somehow read her thoughts and sense her worry. 

The door suddenly swung open revealing the sight of Marmee. Lines had taken to the skin of her face in aging and grief for the life of her daughter. Her eyes appeared more sunken than Judith remembered them being but she could still feel the lightness and warmth from before radiating off her. "Jude! Laurie!" She exclaimed as a wide smile pulled up her lips. She stepped aside for them, revealing the others behind her. Mr. March was conversing with Fred and Amy while Meg and John discussed amongst themselves. "Come in." The duo wasted no time in following her proposal, Jude whispering a soft "I'm so sorry, Marmee" as she hugged the woman before fully entering the household. 

Their presence as they stepped inside stopped all other conversations and everyone turned to see who had entered. "We're so glad you made it back safe," Marmee said as Mr. March moved to stand beside her, his hand raising to rest on her shoulder. The others quickly followed over, Meg rushing to pull Judith into a hug. 

"Oh, my sweet girl." Meg sighed in contentment as she embraced her cousin. "I've missed you terribly."

She couldn't help but smile as she hugged Meg back with as much strength as she did her. It was nice to be back again with the people who showed her real love even if it was under the worst circumstances. "I missed you as well." She basked in the comfort of Meg's hug for a second longer before pulling away from her to hug Amy who now stood beside them. 

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