.6 - 𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓯𝓪𝓲𝓽𝓱

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(crisis of faith)

𝐓he sun was gentle with Judith, casting a golden glow along her skin as she sat beneath the trees. The smells of flowers and mint traveled from her nose to her lungs, filling her breast with fresh air. The warmth of the soft breeze blowing through the small park kissed her cheeks as it passed. She thought it quite funny how gentle the earth was with her as she broke its rules. 

As a woman, she was to be obedient and kind-hearted. The two most important qualities that shape a good wife. But Judith was neither. She instead grew to be sly and cunning, everything  god and man proclaim to hate. But she didn't care what the being thought of her, for she had given up on god a long time ago and she didn't want anyone's forgiveness. She liked to break society's expectations of her and collect as much information as possible. She wanted to know what the men know and study everything this planet has to offer. But there were very few ways to do so. Aunt March agreed to fund her studies so long as she put more emphasis on her womanly talents. Realistically speaking, there was nothing she could do with the information she retained in her research. No man would ever hire her for such an advanced job. But knowing was still a step out of the ignorant darkness. 

Her voice flowed softly from her lips as she sang, the song serenading any who passed her by. But it was shortly silenced by a groan that rumbled up her throat. She flopped down on her blanket, laying on her back and staring up at the blue sky in defeat. She was in one of her moods, for the day had been both unprofitable and unsatisfactory, and she was wishing she could live it over again. She had shirked her singing lessons, tried Aunt March's patience to the utmost, and displeased her even further by spending the entire afternoon with her nose shoved into a book. Staring up into the green gloom of the leaves above her, she imagined what her life would have been like if her parents never died. Maybe then she wouldn't hold so much anger in her heart but alas she would never know.

A soft sigh blew past her parted lips as she forced herself to sit back up again, her small tantrum over. She took a deep breath of the crisp air before starting again, her voice flowing effortlessly as she twisted it into song. However, same as before, she reached the note that left a scratch in her voice and thus set off her tune. She set her lips in a firm line as she cursed the world in her mind but before she could try again a voice broke through the silence surrounding her area in the park. "You're straining your voice when you sing that way."

Her head snapped in the direction of the sound, her brown hair blowing off her shoulder as the wind passed through it. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the dark head of curls heading her way. Theodore looked much more presentable than when she had last seen him, his gray coat had been draped over his white dress shirt and a brown vest kept his body warm throughout the slight cold of winter. A green scarf had been wrapped around his neck though it was too thin to be for anything other than decoration. But that wasn't what bothered Judith. What bothered her most was the way the sun's gold beams kissed his cheeks and the hideous smile that painted his lips. She turned away, unable to look at him as he approached her. 

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