Chapter 6

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Sonya's POV

In the middle of the night, there was a voice in my head.
"Sonya. come here." it said
I jolted out of bed. who the heck is up at this hour? I stood up and opened my door, expecting to see someone out there. Nobody.
"Who's there?"
No one answered.....I walked down the hall, wondering why someone was calling my name. This was creepy.
"Hello?" I called
I jumped out of my skin and ran back to my room, reaching for my sword. I was angry at this point. So I walked outside and waited for someone to walk up to me, but no one ever came. Soon, darkness over came me.
>>>>>>>>>The Next Day<<<<<<<<
"Sonya." someone called, shaking my shoulders. "Sonya wake up!"
My eyes shot open, only to find Shesshomaru.
"What are you doing sleeping in the forest?"
"What are you talking about, Im not in the forest, Im in the-"
I truly was in the forest. What the heck!? How did I get there?!
"Shesshy, why am I in the forest?"
"I just asked you that!"
"I don't know, the last thing I remember was sleeping outside your door, waiting."
"What were you waiting for?"
"I don't know, something or someone was calling my name, so I got up and looked outside. Nobody was there so I waited."
"Why outside my door?"
I didn't want Shesshomaru knowing what his father had said. I was afraid he would argue with him.
"I don't know."
"My father was worried, are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine, just a little lightheaded is all."
Waking up in the middle of the forest was not okay. Someone picked me up, when I was sleeping and dragged me to the middle of no where. What the heck. How on earth could I sleep through that!? Something's wrong with me. Either that happened or I moved there myself in my sleep. I don't sleep walk, never have, someone moved me.
Shesshomaru took a wiff of my scent and gave off a worried look, that look then turned to anger and that anger turned to sheer madness. His eyes became red and his fangs grew larger.
"What's wrong?! Shesshomaru!" I said taking his hand, hoping he wouldn't strike me. He then turned back to normal and spoke.
"Someone dragged you here, I can smell it on your clothing."
I was horrified, someone had laid there hands on me, WHILE I WAS SLEEPING!!!!!???? WHO DOES THAT AND EVEN WORSE, HOW DO YOU SLEEP THROUGH IT!!!!? I was so confused and scared. The fact that some stranger touched me was just unbelievable.
"They could have killed me...." I whispered, tears welled up in my eyes.
He picked me up and we flew back to the castle.
"GUARDS!" He roared, all of them came to us wondering why he was so upset.
"I want you to remember this scent and never, I mean never forget it! YOU UNDERSTAND!?"
They all took a big sniff at my cloak, they were all dog demons, so they could remember scents.
He then pulled me to his father's study, slamming the door open, making his father a bit angry.
"Shesshomaru! What is this revolting behavior!?"
"Sonya has been taken from this castle and placed in the woods, there's an unfamiliar scent on her cloak and I want you to remember it incase this intruder decides to return."
Lord Tashio sniffed it and continued with his work.
When that was settled, Shesshomaru brought me to his room.
"Why were you sleeping outside my room?"
"I don't know."
"Don't you know you could have been killed!?"
Sheshomaru, if only you knew that I was doing it for you.......
"Then why?!"
"I don't know, someone was calling my name so I took my sword to investigate."
"Without me?"
"I didnt want to wake you."
"You're my best freind, I don't want you getting hurt!!!!!!" He barked
It scared me, so I ran off before he exploded. Grabbing my sword and Eve, I bolted towards the forest.
"Eve, remember this scent, alright, if you smell it, it means danger."
She sniffed it and began to sniff around the area. She's got a trail! What ever had been sneaking around must come here often. I didn't want to go wherever 'it' has been without Shesshomaru-wait-I can't put him in danger, I swore and oath. I would have to go eventually, but not now.
I ran back to the castle and saw that Shesshomaru was there waiting.
"Where did you go and why?"
"Nowhere and because you're a hot head, I wanted to give you space."
"You didn't have to do that."
"You know what? Maybe I needed some space!"
"Because, because, Because I just do!"
"That's not a real answer."
"I needed to clear my mind!"
I turned around, but never moved a muscle. I shed tears of sorrow over the thought of dying for him. I wasn't ready to die, I wanted to live happy with him. But I made a promise, and I intend to keep it.
Shesshomaru spun me around to face him and hugged me, bringing me closer to his heart.
"I'm sorry." he whispered "for yelling earlier."
"Im sorry for yelling too, I don't know what's happening to me."
"I'm just afraid of loosing you."
If only you knew I felt the same way Shesshy........
I nodded as I whipped the tears away.
>>>>>>Later That Night<<<<<<<<<
I walked into my bedroom and all my stuff was gone. I went to see if Shesshomaru knew, and later found out that it was all in his room. He had moved it there to protect me.
"Shesshomaru, what ever wants me, will surely come after you, I don't want that."
"Don't say such silly things."
"I don't want you getting killed."
He wrapped his arms around me as I moved closer to him, scared to death.
"You're trembling....."
"Please don't let go." I whimpered
It was that voice again......
"Come here, come on, don't be afraid."
>>>>>The Next Morning<<<<<<<<<
I heard Shesshomaru and his father, calling my name. Why were they calling my name? Wasn't I in Shesshomaru's arms-?
Nope, I was in the same place as before. In the forest. Again. What the hell! Why was I here!? How was I taken from Shesshomaru's grasp!?
"Shesshomaru!? Lord Tashio!?"
They soon ran up to me, Shesshomaru grabbed hold of me, with tears in my eyes, I asked
"What's wrong with me!?"
"Are you hurt?"
"I don't think so."
He looked as if he too, were about to cry. I was scared now, to even look at a tree without being scared.
"It isn't you! Someone took you out of my grasp and more you here. I failed to keep you safe from harm. I'm so sorry Sonya."
"It's okay, it's not your fault."
"I will not allow you to leave my sight, ever!" He said, and he meant it too
He wouldn't even let me change my top clothing, without looking. When I changed my underclothing, he held up a towel.
It was one particular night, when I was changing my top clothing, when he noticed something strange.
"Where did you get those bruises?"
"What bruises?"
I dropped all of my clothes and just stared, horrifying about what I saw. Everything that was normally covering my body with clothes, was bruised.
My hands cupped my face as I began to cry.
"What's going on!?" I sobbed into his chest. He never answered me, because there wasn't one........."I'm so scared Shesshomaru....."
"It's going to all be over soon...." he said wrapping the towel around me

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