Chapter 13

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Sonya's POV

I knew Shesshomaru had to act quickly......I tried to say his name, but nothing ever came out. My eyes were locked on his...I couldn't read his eyes, they were giving me mixed emotions.
I raised my hand up to his cheek as tears flowed down my eyes. He knew I wanted him to do this, but if he was, he would have to do it now! I squeezed his hand, urging him to help me, but no help came. For my eyes were starting faultier and my fingers started twitching. In between my flickering eyes, I saw Shesshomaru's worried eyes, his body shifted and made movement. He was going to do it....he was going to save me, but I felt my body loosing warmth. The life from me was leaving.....

Shesshomaru's POV
"Sonya!!" I screamed....I was loosing her........I didn't know what to her and make her a monster or me her die.......I wanted her to be with me, but I didn't want her to suffer the consequences.
Then I tiny movements on her shoulder....."lord Shesshomaru!" it squealed....Mioga!!!!
"Mioga! What is it!?"
"I can suck some of her poisoned blood out!"
"Where the hell were you earlier!?" I barked....he said nothing but hopped to Sonya's leg and began to draw blood.
"She's going to need her lost blood replaced, you must give her some of your blood hurry!" He hollered, getting bigger by the moment.
I looked over to Sonya's face, it was getting paler and paler, I had to take action, there was no going back now.
I took my wrist and bit into it, holding it over her opened wound. I could only watch as the demon infested blood, trickled inside her leg. I imagined how upset she would be, knowing what I had turned her into.
Her eyes closed and she stopped seizing. With my other hand I checked for a pulse, I got none......I put my head to her chest, her heart beat was not to be heard. It wasn't enough!!!!!!!!!
Quickly, I turned back to my wrist biting deeper, causing more and more blood to flow out. She needed more blood than I was giving her.
"Come on!" I urged, biting my arm even more
I could feel my body grow weak....I too was loosing too much blood. But, anything to save her......anything.
Mioga was now ten times his normal size and he assured me that he got all the poison out. But I still continued drawing blood.
When I looked back to her, I noticed that her complexion was beginning to become more and more of a peach color. She was coming back.......I checked for a pulse and I felt one, it was faint, but it was there. Making sure, I placed my ear to her chest and sure enough I heard a heart beat. I kept my head there for a bit longer, hearing her heart beating made me very happy. Her warmth began to touch my face as her chest began to start moving up and down. She was breathing, she really was coming back to me. I smiled, knowing she was alive.
"Thank you Mioga."
I chuckled, he was so full, he couldn't even speak
Her leg healed beautifully,all that was left was a faint scar.
All I had to do was prepare myself for the future, I knew what to expect. I expected a very upset Sonya, knowing how she felt about herself. She was going to feel very upset with her appearance. My blood would give her demonic powers or appearances or both.
Sighing, rubbing my eye lids, I slipped out the door, leaving Sonya with Mioga. I had to get a I've cold bucket of water for her fever and some herbs.
I walked down the halls in search of Eron, I needed him to guard Sonya while I was out.
"Eron!!!!" I boomed, he soon came hustling around the corner an greeted me.
"I need you to watch over the healers room while I'm out. Sonya is in there."
I saw his eyes widen as those words left my lips. He was interested in Sonya somehow. I tried to ignore it and walked off.

Eron's POV
I was ordered to watch over Lady Sonya. I was worried about her, finding her in the snow like that. She had been so cold the touch. It wasn't natural. And what was a demon like lord having business with a human . She shouldn't be around a demon, let alone have a relationship. She could be hurt or even killed with him out of control. It's not safe.
I walked in the room only to find the sleeping Lady Sonya. She looked so peaceful after all the trauma she has been through.
I grabbed her was so warm, unlike when I found her. Her hand was so fragile, I felt like I could break it.
I couldn't help but notice the bracelet around her wrist. It was rather beautiful I know someone who would pay a pretty price for this this trinket. I quickly untied it from her hand and stuffed it in my pocket.
I looked up at her face. Her nose was wrinkling and her eyes squinted. I released her hand from my grasp and hesitated. Then her beautiful brown eyes, fluttered open.
She gasped seeing me standing there. She was afraid, as if she didn't know who I was. She took one glance towards the table next to her. There was a dagger sitting there. Quickly, she rolled off the bed and taking the weapon in possession. She held the dagger up in defense. I thought she was going throw it at me so I pulled my shield.
"Lord Shesshomaru!!!!!" I hollered

Shesshomaru's POV
"Lord Shesshomaru!!!!!" I heard Eron yell
I dropped all the herbs that I was making and started for the healing room.
There I found Eron with his shield up, facing Sonya, who was holding a knife. She hesitated when she saw me and dropped the knife.
I was so happy to see her awake. I loved her...I rubbed my eyes to confirm that so wasn't dreaming and that this was real. I bolted towards her, embracing her in my arms. To my surprise she was frozen. I pulled back,cupping her face and and planted a soft kiss upon her lips. How I've longed for them, to feel their warmth once more.
When I looked back at her face, instead of looking warm and happy, she looked scared and surprised.
"W-wh..." her lip trembled "who are you?!" She said wide eyed
"What? you know who I am!" I said shaking shoulders.
Scared out of her mind, she pried herself free of my grasp and ran towards the door, past Eron. where on earth was she going now!?

Sonya's POV
I had no idea where I was or who those men were....I just had to get to another room. Soon in finding one, I slammed the doors shut and scurried over to a corner, wrapping the blanket around me. I then felt a small movement inside the blanket. I jumped to my feet and swirled the blanket around, only to find a small fox like creature. It walked up to me and made a purring sound.
I knelt down and petted the creature, knowing it meant no harm.

The wind howled and roared as the blizzard went on. The tree branches scratched against the outside of the castle.
I heard the shuffling and pacing of men outside my door. I feared what they wanted from is my name? my name is....wait! It's on the tip of my tongue. I couldn't grasp my name.
My wrist felt lighter than the other. As if something apart of me was missing. It was irritating, having a tingling feeling in my hand and not knowing what it was.
When I looked up, I noticed one of the men from earlier was standing right i front of me. It frightened me and I jumped back.
"Please, Im not going to hurt you." he said softly
His golden eyes shimmered in the light of the small lantern. He wasn't going to hurt me...I could feel it. But then why did I feel so afraid?
"Who are you?" I asked
"you honestly don't remember me?"
I shook my head in confusion
"My name is Sesshomaru.....we grew up together as kids."
I tilted my head in yet more confusion
"What is my name?"
"Huh.....your name is Sonya......short for means dreamer." he chuckled
"Sonya..." I said to myself......."Sonya, that was my name.....

She forgot her memory! Will she try and regain it? What will Eron do after seeing Shesshy kiss Sonya!? Has revenge struck in Eron's mind? What will Shesshy do, give up or try his best!? Dot. Forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading!

Forever with Lord Sesshomaru *not edited*Where stories live. Discover now