1: prologue

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UPDATED 05/06/2022.

See end for author's notes

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JUNE 3, 1944


"Easy Company! Listen up! Move it up, come on gentleman!"

Everyone who belonged in Easy Company gathered around Lieutenant Thomas Meehan, the company's CO. Madison Klein made her way to the front so she could see Meehan. Even though he was standing on top of one of the jeeps, she still had a hard time seeing him. Not only was she short, but her eyesight wasn't the best either.

"The channel coast is soaked in with rain and fog," Meehan began, making hand gestures. "High winds on the drop zones. No jump tonight. We're on a twenty-four hour stand down."

"Son of a bitch," Madison heard her friend Bill Guarnere swore as the men around them groaned and complained.

"No kidding," Madison agreed with her friend from South Philly, Pennsylvania. "Luz smacked me in the face with his fingers for nothing," she gestured to her grease streaked face, courtesy to their fellow friend and paratrooper, George Luz. "We got ready...for nothing."

Fuck the weather in Europe, Madison thought. It was always so cloudy and rainy. She would have probably enjoyed it if she wasn't in service.

"I know, girly," Bill sighed, placing one of his large hands on her small shoulders. "Come on; let's go see what we're up for now."

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Madison Elizabeth Klein was born to Matthew, Sr. and Marlene Klein in May of 1927. She had a twin sister named Morgan who was a minute younger than her, as well as an older brother who was named after their father and a younger brother named Michael, named after their grandfather. The family of five lived in Dayton, Ohio, and all was quite well until December 7th, 1941. That was the day Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor and Matthew, Jr. had decided that the first thing he would do when President Roosevelt and Congress declared war was that he would sign up for the war as soon as he could. His announcement had turned his family's world upside down.

On December 9th, Matthew Jr. had told his family that he officially signed up for the war. Everyone had reacted differently. Matthew Sr. sat in his chair in silence, not sure how to respond to his eldest son and child. He could respect his son's decision because after all, his son would eventually join the war at some point. Marlene started to tear up, which caused little Michael to cry as well. Morgan had only briefly stared at him with widened eyes before she looked down, not sure on what to say. Madison, numbed in response, had gone up the stairs, slamming the door to the bedroom that she and her sister shared shut. She hopped onto her bed and stared outside the window, numb but simmering in anger.

He's signing up for war, Madison thought angrily as tears escaped and rolled down her cheeks. Then: Nein, don't think of it like that! Matt's doing a good thing. He's serving our country. That's a courageous and honorable thing to do. Still doesn't mean that I have to like it, though. Knowing him he probably overdid it somehow.

It felt like hours to Madison as she was curled up in her bed, crying and thinking angrily. She could only fear for the worst happening to her brother; that he would end up dead.

Madison heard her door creaking open slowly, but she made no move to roll over or get up from her bed. She made no acknowledgement to who it was, because she knew exactly who it was.

"Maddie?" Matthew, Jr.'s voice rang out quietly. Madison ignored him.

"Maddie," Matthew, Jr. said louder, stopping in the doorway. Madison still would not answer.

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