13: bastogne

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UPDATED 05/08/2022. Revised for flow, clarity, and made some revisions around the Battle of the Bulge/Christmas sections. BTW, I need to write a one shot/missing scene chapter of Maddie and Smokey. I just really love exploring the relationships between Maddie and her comrades. Also, Smokey is so underrated. Easily one of the funniest and most loving people from Easy Company. I recommend reading his chapter from Marcus Brotherton's "A Company of Heroes: Personal Memories about the Real Band of Brothers and the Legacy They Left Us." I love that book.

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The past few weeks have proved to be a challenge.

For one, supplies were running low in every way imaginable. The men had no ammo. The medics were severely low on medical supplies. No one had any winter clothing. The line was stretched so thin, it was almost impossible to cover it. Easy Company hadn't even been in the forest for a week when they realized just how much peril they were in.

Eugene Roe, Ralph Spina, and Madison Klein found themselves running around, scourging for supplies. Doc took his turn to try to get to Third Battalion, as Spina was digging up a foxhole, and Madison was making rounds to check in with the members of Easy Company.

A lot of the men had refused to let her join them in their foxholes. Apparently, they were "too close to the fire" and "we don't want anything happening to you, Maddie."

Just thinking about their excuses made Madison want to roll her eyes. She literally had to run, duck, and cover in the fire daily—far more than any of them! So, these days, Madison was often found in a foxhole with Doc and Spina (a possibly bad idea, but she really didn't have a choice), someone from the rowdy trio (Malarkey, Muck, and Penkala), or Luz. If she wasn't with any of them, she often found herself walking around, keeping herself and the plasma warm while making sure everyone was well, which was too often.

Madison had returned to Spina, who was still digging, just in time as Roe had come back from his rounds.

"Hey, Doc," Spina wheezed.

"What's happening?" Roe asked.

"Nothing much. Everyone is still using the same old complaints," Madison answered. "Were you able to get anything?"

"Yeah, but not too much," Roe dug around in his bag to get the supplies he had received. "I, uh, got this," he handed Spina a bright white box. It probably held a syringe. Then he handed Madison the next and final supply. "And a Kraut bandage."

"I feel discriminated," Madison joked as the three medics sat down in the foxhole, thoroughly checking their inventory.

"First Battalion is pulled out of Foye," Roe brought up. "Heavy casualties."

"If they're pulling back then what the hell are we sitting here for?" Spina asked, taking a drink from his canteen.

Roe ignored his question. "I need more morphine. Do either of you have extra scissors?"

Spina shook his head. Madison did too.

"Sorry, Roe. I'm sure someone else has an extra pair. Perconte, perhaps?" Madison suggested.

"Sergeant Lipton?" a voice called out. Madison groaned, knowing exactly who was about to complain.

"What the hell is this? Three medics in one hole?" Lieutenant Norman Dike began. God, that man was aggravating. The more Madison was around him, the more she wished he disappeared. She wasn't the only one who felt this way. Many of the men found Dike to be unpleasant.

"Yes, sir," Spina said.

"Well what's going to happen to us if you get hit, huh?"

Madison stared at him, blankly.

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