9: ambush

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UPDATED 05/06/2022

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After working a long shift, Roe had forced Madison to take a break and go outside.

"You've been working long and hard before and after the battle, go take a rest," Roe had ordered Madison. He really didn't give her a choice. That was Roe for you, alright. He was stubborn, a trait that the two friends both shared. Come to think of it, a lot of the men in Easy were stubborn, which could make things either successful or burn to the ground. There was no inbetween with Easy, Madison had learned that early on.

Madison didn't really feel like arguing with her fellow medic. If she had to be honest, she was exhausted. Carentan had worn her out. So, all she did was nod and left Roe and the others who were helping the wounded.

Madison had found Skip, Penkala, Malarkey, and More. As she came closer, she noticed a man laying on his back, right in between Malarkey and More. She didn't realize it was Albert Blithe until she had sat down next to Penkala, waiting for the boys to notice her. It took Skip a few seconds before he realized that she was there.

"Maddie, hey! How have you been?" Skip's cheerful voice rang out. Penkala looked to see that she was right beside him and he jumped in his skin. Truth be told, she looked like hell.

"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking," Madison replied. "I've been busy."

"We kept seeing you running everywhere," Malarkey piped up. "You gotta be exhausted. You hungry? Are you up for some Kraut rations?"

Madison scrunched her nose at the derogatory name for the Germans. She couldn't help that she took it personally, alright? Her paternal grandparents are first generation immigrants. Her father and his siblings were the first generation to be born in the United States, and Madison and her siblings were the second generation. So yeah, she was kind of sensitive about it. However, she understood why so many in the military referred to Germans as Krauts—however, that didn't mean that she would use the term.

"Nah, I'm alright." Madison said, as she leaned onto Penkala. She needed to lay on something, just for a little bit, and Penkala's shoulder and arm seemed to be the best solutions to her problem.

"Okay, but back to what I was saying," More continued their previous conversation. "We're gonna be in Berlin by Christmas."

"Oh, God!" Skip cried out in disgust. By the sound of it, it sounded like Skip had something in his mouth. "This Kraut cheese tastes like...it stinks!"

"The bread's stale too," Penkala added.

"Gimme that," Skip demanded. Madison couldn't help but roll her eyes under her closed eyelids. Madison lifted herself away from Penkala. She studied both him and Skip.

"You know what, you're both—" Madison started, but she didn't get to finish.

"Enjoy it while it lasts. We'll be moving out soon."

Everyone looked up to see Lieutenant Speirs hovering over them.

"Out of town already, Lieutenant?" More asked.

"That's right," Speirs replied, looking down at every single one of them. Madison could feel the tension over everyone. All eyes were glued to the lieutenant as he went down the steps they were sitting on.

"Don't they know that we're just getting settled here?" More couldn't keep his mouth shut. Madison gave him a look, while Speirs did the same. He said nothing and continued to stalk off.

"Great job, More," Madison broke the ice.

"Good job, Grouch-o," Skip joined in.

"What?" More asked the both of them.

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