21: end of an era

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UPDATED 05/15/2022. No major revisions, but the chapter has been edited with new detail. I still can't outdo the baseball scene, not with the way this story is formatted!

Anyway, guess who is updating their list of "possible faceclaims for Madison & Morgan Klein because someone (ahem, the author) can't commit to one FC, but multiple?" Yep, that's right. It's me! I think it's good to have a variety, but that may just be me.

So, the two people I have chosen recently is Emilia Clarke and Florence Pugh. I won't lie, I am really  vibing with Emilia Clarke as the Klein twins. She's just so adorable! Solo: A Star Wars Story helped me solidify this, specifically the scene with Emilia's character reuniting with Han Solo. For the first time ever, I will provide a visual. I also thought Florence Pugh thanks to...Midsommar. lol. After my editing, I may add a list for all the possible faceclaims and offer visuals, because I know a lot of people rely on something like that.

Without further ado, here is the revised chapter 21!

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"Why don't you give me your weapon?"

Good idea, Madison thought. She didn't like how the man was waving the gun around. She was about to jump out of her seat, but Grant wanted her to stay put, so she would.

"Well, I guess I'll use his jeep. I don't think he's gonna be needing it," the private shrugged before he started to make his way to the vehicle. Grant persisted on.

"Hold on a second, alright?" Grant said hurriedly. Before another word could come out of his mouth and before Madison or any of the privates could register what happened, the private aimed his gun at Grant and took a shot. Madison saw the bullet cut right through the side of his head and he fell to the ground, motionless and, no doubt, bleeding.


* * * * *


Madison all but fell out of the driver's seat as she darted towards Grant. He was shot by the private! Oh, how she wanted to kick that private's ass so bad, but now was not the time. Grant needed her first. He was her priority out of everything else at the moment.

Madison dropped down to Grant's, cradling him in her arms as she began to assess him. She had to cover her eyes for a second as she looked up to see the private reverse in one of the unoccupied jeeps, brights on. He wasn't going to stay around for too long...but Madison would make sure that she would not forget who he was.

Madison turned back to Grant with undivided attention. She couldn't afford to be panicked and afraid. Grant needed her. She inspected him briefly but cautiously. The bullet had gone through the head. Already, the young medic knew that she couldn't do much—if any—for him. Right now, she had to stop the bleeding and get him back to HQ.

Madison realized that the two privates with them were still in their seats, seemingly frozen. Her anger flared. She whipped her head quickly, ignoring the cracking as anger and desperation in both her eyes and voice.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING? HELP US, GODDAMN IT!" her voice was raw and she could taste the saltiness of her tears. She looked back to Grant and began to whisper to him desperately.

"Please don't die, Grant. Please don't die."

She kept repeating those words like a mantra as she and the privates were able to carry him to the back of the jeep. She cradled him, prevented further blood loss, smoothed his hair, whispered to him, anything. He couldn't die. Not now, not ever.

The privates got them back to HQ where the main medical setup for the battalion was located nearby.

"We need help! Sergeant Grant's been shot!" one of the privates yelled. Seconds later and Tab, Roe, and Speirs came rushing out from various locations. Madison looked up as she saw the three of them standing right behind the jeep and right in front of her. Her eyes were bloodshot red and she was sure that there was blood on her; she felt sticky.

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