14: friends

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UPDATED 05/08/2022. I added more details to Madison's thoughts and extended a few scenes in this chapter.

I also dedicate this chapter to: @chelbel98 , aka my biggest fan. Thank you so much for the support---you're the best.

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They were sent to Foy.

The journey there itself was, for the most part, fine. There were a few hits from the Germans, but there were no serious wounds or casualties among the regiment.

What must have been the most exciting thing early into their relocation, however, was when Hoobler finally, finally received his Luger. He had wanted one for so long. Madison could remember way back before D-Day (Jesus, that felt like an eternity ago!), when she and Hoobler met the British soldier who had picked one up during a campaign. Her friend had wanted one ever since. Personally, Madison didn't see what was so amazing about it, but she wasn't going to drag down the excitement of her friend.

While everyone else was digging foxholes, Hoobler was currently going to every single Easy member to share the tale of how he got his Luger. Madison had heard it at least three times already. She started to get irritated with him, especially since he wasn't helping her with the foxhole she was digging for them.

"Stupid men and their stupid guns. Stupid pride," Madison was muttering out her thoughts. Skip had just happened to walk past her as she said that. He stopped and started to chuckle.

"Well, hello there Ruthie! Having trouble?" Skip often called Madison by his sister's name as a joke. He had explained that, in a few ways, Madison reminded him of her. Madison didn't mind it, though. She liked Skip. Everyone did.

"No," Madison denied, not looking up at him. Before anything else could be said, however, there was a single gunshot. Madison looked up at him immediately. Both of their eyes were widened in wonder, as Skip hopped into her foxhole, getting into position. However, Madison couldn't move. She could hear the blood pounding in her ears and her heart thumping. Something was wrong, really wrong.

Just then, someone grabbed her, hauling her up. Madison's vision was blurry, and she had no idea who was shaking her and saying, "Hoob's shot himself!"

That was enough to make Madison dart off to the direction where they heard it. She found Donny lying on the ground, with men surrounding him.

"Move! Move! MOVE!" she was yelling, and the four men around him made room for her. "Jesus, Donny, what did you do?"

"I wasn't touching it or nothing, I swear!" Hoobler was crying out. He felt bad that this was happening. He felt bad and he felt hurt.

"Alright, where are you hit? Where is he hit?" Madison was asking rapidly, as dread was filling up inside of her. She wanted to kick it out, because she was going to let nothing happen to her friend. Nothing.

"In the leg," someone said.

"Left leg."

Madison didn't need them to answer her, though, as she noticed the dark reed seeping into the brown trousers. They were ripped open already, and Jesus, how did she not notice? It didn't matter. She dove right into the procedure. She tried her best to get into it, but she just couldn't see.

"I can't see a thing, we're gonna have to get him to the aid station," Madison breathed out, as she continued to work on him. She was trying so hard that she didn't notice Buck Compton saying her name, or any of them, until someone grabbed her shoulder.

"WHAT?" she had whipped her head at the one who grabbed her. It was Lipton. He had a sorrowful look on his face.

"Madison," he said softly. "Look."

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