18: hitler, hitler, hitler!

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UPDATED 05/14/2022. There aren't major changes (unless you count 1 name change), but I revised for clarity and for more detail/characterization.

By the way, when I read this chapter, I remembered that I based it off of the song, "Hot Time in the Town of Berlin" by Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters. If you haven't listened to it--I totally recommend it! I listened to a lot of music from this time period when I wrote this fic. That also reminds me: I should update Madison's playlist on Spotify.

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Before Easy Company left Landsberg, they first had to oversee the citizens' clean up. They also had to make sure that the DPs (displaced persons) were sent off to the medical facility the town had.

Madison hardly got a wink of sleep from the night before. She was far too anxious from what she had seen. She didn't want to think of how awful it must have been to spend one more night in hell that the DPs had endured for who only knew how long.

A good portion of Easy Company went to the hospital, Madison included. All of the medics were forced to go, seeing as their skills were greatly valued. The surgeon that was with Sink was there too, as well as a few German doctors and physicians that were able to provide their support.

Madison was put on the floor where all the children, from ages of about two to twelve or thirteen years old, were placed at. Spina and a few others were on the floor as well. They made their rounds with the children, who, despite going through more than they should have, smiled and interacted with the adults. Madison couldn't help but smile along with them, especially when they were babbling to her. They were excited that she knew German. She even knew some Polish thanks to Alex Penkala and a few other members of Easy.

Madison was checking upon a little girl, who was roughly six or seven years old. She reminded Madison of both her sister and younger brother. She was very shy and timid. She was adorable.

"Hello, little one. How are you today?" Madison greeted the child in German. The little girl shrugged. Madison mimicked her action.

"You don't know? Well, that's okay." Madison said. "Will you let me look you over? To make sure you are well?" She requested as she gestured between herself and the little girl.

The little girl nodded in agreement. Madison nodded in return and began the same old checkup routine she's been doing since God knows how long.

As Madison checked out the girl's heartbeat, she decided that she was going to get this child to talk.

"You don't talk much, do you?"

The little girl's face turned a light shade of pink. She was shy.

"It's okay. I used to be like that. Although, I think I am still," Madison assured the little girl. "My sister is the same way. We are twins."

The little girl cocked her head in a curious manner.


Madison nodded as she checked the girl's pulse in her wrist.

"Yes. We look like each other. People say we are just like each other, but I do not think so." Madison paused her action. "Hm. A strong pulse for a strong girl."

The little girl giggled, shaking her head in disagreement. Madison looked up and gave her a faux expression of shock.

"It's true!" Madison insisted. She extended her arm out, exposing her own wrist. "It's stronger than mine. You want to feel it?"

The little girl shrunk back again, her shyness taking over. Madison insisted again.

"Go on. Feel it." She gently took the little girl's hand with her free hand and guided it over the wrist she had exposed. She gently placed the girl's small hand over her wrist.

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