3: training at toccoa

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UPDATE 05/01/2022: I started to make minor edits and revisions as I catch up on writing the sequel to this story. To old readers, welcome back! To new readers, enjoy!

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Easy Company were known for their Friday night marches.

While the other companies had the chance to go out into the town of Toccoa with their weekend passes, it seemed like Easy never did. Sobel had always revoked their passes and made them march when it was dark out with all their gear on. Their marches were always twelve miles and Sobel often ordered them to not drink from their canteens, amongst other things. It was awful.

Madison stood in line with Donny Hoobler and Johnny Martin. Like Madison and Donny, Johnny too came from Ohio. It seemed as if you came from the same home state, you became friends almost immediately. Martin was one of the men who were skeptical about Madison being out in the field saving them, but he seemed to tolerate her. When he was around while the boys played monkey in the middle with her, he would glare at them. Usually, they knocked it off. Johnny Martin usually wore a bitter expression. Madison thought it was because he missed his wife. No matter what, he was a tough nut to crack.

"I'm a say something," Madison heard Denver Randleman, or Bull, say.

"To who?" George Luz asked.

It was silent for a moment until Randleman spoke again, his Arkansas accent cutting in the air.

"Lieutenant Winters?"

"What is it?" Winters inquired as he shuffled up to the front, right in front of Hoobler, Klein, and Martin.

"Permission to speak, sir?" Bull Randleman requested.

"Permission granted."

"Sir, we got nine companies, sir," Bull Randleman began.

"We do," Winters verified.

Bull kept quiet for a moment before he asked, "Why come we're the only company marching every Friday night, twelve miles in full pack in the pitch dark?"

"Why do you think, Private Randleman?" Winters asked.

"Lieutenant Sobel hates us, sir," Bull answered.

Richard Winters was silent for a moment, falling in line with Madison's row, before he answered Bull. "Lieutenant Sobel does not hate Easy Company, Private Randleman. He just hates you."

That got everyone laughing. Then all the men started telling each other that Sobel hated them as well.

"Hey, Maddie?" Donny Hoobler poked at his young friend. "I think Sobel hates you the most."

"Really?" Madison turned to look at her friend, giving him a wide eyed and sarcastic stare. "I absolutely had no idea. Thanks, Donny."

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"Lieutenant Winters, I want canteens out with the caps unscrewed," Sobel informed Winters. Easy had finished their march, and Madison could feel the blisters forming on her heels as the company stood at attention.

"Easy Company, canteens out and open," Winters commanded. Easy Company started to take out their canteens, preparing to empty them.

"On my command they will pour out their contents onto the ground," Sobel continued.

"On the CO's order you will empty your canteen," Winters informed Easy.

"Now, Lieutenant," Sobel commanded.

"Pour them," Winters barked. All of Easy Company started to empty their canteens. Madison listened to the water that they were forbidden to drink be dumped onto the soil beneath her, which quickly turned into mud.

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