3. A Failed Success

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"Sailed away


Never came back again."

Eiwa's POV

It was the day I had been preparing for. The day of my planned escape. Well, I wouldn't say planned. I am a big fan of intricate planning, but training with Quaritch for the past week has consumed all the energy I have. I have a plan, though I have not considered its success rate and nor did I make a backup plan for it. A very foolish decision if I actually choose to carry it through.

There are two choices, either I spend another month with the other recoms or I find my own way to survive in the forest alone. 'Going with the flow' is not my cup of tea, but I decided that I'll let Eywa do her magic once we get down to the field. I have not been allowed into the forest yet, so I do not know what's out there. One thing is clear though, the forest is no place for a newcomer. I've read about everything humans have managed to learn about Pandora, however it certainly is an entirely different case if I explore Pandora myself.

"Nervous?" Z-dog sat beside me as we entered an Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson. A helicopter-like ship.

I shook my head, "We're only checking the old camp site after all."

"You don't know," she patted my back as she looked out of the open sides of the ship. "I died the last time I went down here."

"Well then I'll try my best to stay alive," I said.

We flew a couple minutes, allowing me to watch the view from above. As much as I hate to admit this, Pandora was as breathtaking as Dr Kho had described. No wonder she was so passionate about it. The forest was colorful. It's how I imagined Earth was like before humans ruined it. It's always us damn humans. The history books are all full of lies, covering up how most of our ancestors chose to ignore the warnings about global warming, climate change and all that has only worsened. The air quality on Earth is not far worse for humans than the air quality here.

The ship turned over a cliff, revealing a tall waterfall and the Hallelujah mountains further ahead. A group of Ikrans were flying by, one of them was about to attack our ship before it backed away. I read that they are fierce creatures, but also very loyal once you make a bond with them. I couldn't help but smile.

Quaritch chuckled as he tilted his head, "Well our blue appearance worked. Such easy creatures to fool."

I rolled my eyes at his remark. I don't understand why so many of the RDA still underestimate the intellectual capabilities of the Pandora residents. Most of the living things, even a number of plants here can actually think and react better than humans. As for the Na'vis, it's no secret that they want a talent in picking up things quickly. That is enough to prove how sharp they can be.

Finally, the ship settled down on the ground. All of the 11 recoms hopped off the ship one by one. I was the first as I sat nearest to the exit, this allowed me to wander as I waited for the others. Before I could enter the forest, Quaritch called. I took a deep breath and walked back.

"Don't go wandering around, kid," Quaritch said. "You never know what's going to come at you. Now stick together, people! Stay alert!"

We collectively raised our M69-ARs as we slowly entered the forest. This tactic of theirs would actually trigger negative responses if there actually was something or someone around. I did not say anything though, I wasn't going to stick around with them for too long anyway.

I've spent a month with them in the campgrounds, doing a lot of physical practices in our new bodies. It was easy to keep myself from forming any attachment towards any of them. All I had to do was to stay consistent with my opinion about them. An opinion I have formed since my first day with them. Truly, I am not entirely different from them. I would not mind letting them die right here right now if that would guarantee my safety. I'm beginning to think that selfishness is part of the human system.

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