18. So?

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"Oh the time stops I look at you
Illuminated by the moon
There's only one thing left to do."

Third person POV

Assuming that dinner had ended and they had missed it due to a certain personal reason, Neteyam and Eiwa decided to walk back to their cot immediately. They were practically all over each other just a minute ago, but somehow the air between them had turned awkward.

"So..." Eiwa started, walking with her hands behind her. "What are we?"

"Na'vis?" Neteyam answered, though it came out as a question.

"I meant us," Eiwa clarified nervously. She knew from movies what often came next after a first kiss. But she didn't want to make the first move again. Surely, she was beginning to worry that he was not thinking the same thing.

Neteyam smiled as his eyes softened. He stopped Eiwa and faced her. Then he took both her hands and looked her in the eyes, "I was planning to do it in a slightly less... usual way, but I guess not everything has to go as planned." He then took a dramatically deep breath. "Do you want to be my girlfriend, Eiwa?"

Eiwa looked up to him and smiled, "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Netayam."

Neteyam grinned and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Don't tell the others though," Eiwa quickly added. "For now at least."

Neteyam understandingly nodded and took her hand in his. They walked in silence for the rest of the journey back to the cot, simply enjoying each other's company under the moonlight.

It has been a long day for everyone, but the two will always remember it for something else. Something both of them will cherish till their last breath.


Hello everyone. This is a very short chapter, but I hope you still liked it. Thank you so very much for 5.5k reads! Writing a note to inform you all that I will be uploading less from now because school is starting already, and I'm about to move into a new place. I'll still try my best to upload at least once a week though! (Also, don't hesitate to comment. I love reading them!) Lastly, happy Lunar new year to those who celebrate!

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