Alternative Ending (29-30)

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"Have I told you lately,

I'm grateful you're mine."

Eiwa's POV

"Remember me?" I smirked before smacking Warren's head, shooting him afterwards. I had chosen to go back to the island to take a handgun that I have kept a secret so far. It's not just any handgun though, I had managed to create a set of toxic bullets during the first month of my training days in the RDA base. Let's just say that I don't regret losing a couple hours of my sleep.

I hid Warren's body behind a large metal box.

"Kho?" Z-dog approached me, still not noticing Warren's body. She pointed her machine gun down, "You're alive—"

I didn't expect her to die instantly, but I suppose the toxins I managed to combine works quite well.

Before she could finish her sentence I was quick enough to point the gun at her and shoot. Two down, and a couple more to go. I pulled her body and stacked it above Warren's. "No wonder they died before," I mumbled before leaving them there. I slowly made my way up, making sure no one noticed me.

Then I saw them.

Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tsireya, Tuk and a human boy dressed like a Na'vi which I assume would be Spider. Bullets were firing at them as they each took turns to jump out of the ship. Neteyam was covering for them. My body tenses at the sight. In the matter of seconds, my greatest fear happened. Quaritch had successfully shot Neteyam as he was jumping into the water. "No. No. No," I whispered to myself.

I managed to gather myself back together. There is still a chance that he survived, as long as it does not hit his chest. It better not be. For now, I know that I should focus on bringing whatever is left down. I found a metal wall on the end of the tiny path I'm in. I hid behind that before aiming on the people who had been shooting at my friends earlier.

I prepared myself before shooting one of them. I knew that it would not take long after the shot before they found me. So I tried to move as swiftly as possible. The two men were standing side by side, so I managed to shoot two before the rest noticed. I quickly made my way down and jumped into the water. Firing one more shot at Quaritch, but it missed. Luckily, the bullet managed to find its way to another one of them.

As I swam away from the ship, I spotted Tsireya, Lo'ak, Spider and Jake helping Neteyam up on a rock not too far away. I quickly made my way there.

"How is he?" I climbed the rock and pushed Lo'ak away to find Neteyam lying on the ground. I sighed in relief seeing that the bullet had only hit his right leg. I quickly went up to him. "I told you to stay safe!" I hit him on the chest lightly.

"At least I'm alive," he chuckled.

I scoffed, "Don't you dare joke about it!" I gave him a tight hug as the rest examined his wound. "I'm glad you're okay. Well not exactly 'okay' but you know what I mean."

Neteyam pulled away and smiled before giving me a peck on the lip before a forced cough came from behind us.

"You should bring him back to the island," Jake said as he stood up. "He needs to get his wound fixed as soon as possible."

"Right," I awkwardly nodded and helped Neteyam up along with Lo'ak.

Jake turned to Tsireya, "You should go back too. Don't want anything else to happen. Spider will go with you too— Spider?"

The human boy was already swimming back towards the ship. Seems like he has noticed Kiri's absence.

"That boy!" Jake pressed his lips together in frustration just as Neytiri landed with her ikran. She ran towards Neteyam and began checking on him.

"Go now and tend to the wound," she turned to the four of us. "The healers should be ready for you and the other victims." Neytiri turned to her husband, "They've got our daughters."

No more words were exchanged as they both left towards the sinking ship.

"Your parents are so cool, you know that?" I remarked.

"I know," Lo'ak and Neteyam answered in unison.

Tsireya and I each called an Ilu for the four of us. Neteyam and I shared one but this time I was the one in front. "I'll make it quick, but your wound might hurt a bit."

"Nothing I can't handle," he smiled as he held onto me.

"See you guys on the island!" Lo'ak yelled as he and Tsireya disappeared into the water.

Once we reached land, Lo'ak and I helped Neteyam down from the Ilu and supported him till we reached the healer's hut, which was surprisingly full.

"If you know how to tend to wounds, please do it yourself. We're sort of understaffed right now," a lady said as she handed me a wooden tray filled with what I suppose we need. Tsireya and Lo'ak had left us when they spotted Ao'nung and Rotxo lying on the other side of the hut, so it was just us.

Neteyam was sitting on a bench-like rock, so I went down on my knees and began to clean his wound. We were silent almost the entire time I tended to Neteyam's wound. Many cries and commotion filled the air. And I can't help but thank Eywa that none of those cries were mine.

"Is it selfish to feel grateful at this moment?" I looked up to Neteyam as I wrapped his leg with a clean cloth.

"Yes, but that would make the two of us," he smiled weakly.

"There," I got up on my feet. "Now we just need to wait for it to heal itself."

Neteyam pulled me in suddenly, earning a surprised gasp from me. I was standing between his legs as he buried his face into my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. We stayed like that for a while until a hysterical scream filled the air.

It was Tsireya. "No! No! No! C'mon, Ao'nung. C'mon!"

Neteyam and I exchanged concerned glances, knowing what had happened.

Tsireya cried as the rest fell into silence. Lo'ak slowly went to her side and began comforting her. The atmosphere changed as more and more people came by with blood all over them.

I sat beside Neteyam when realization struck, "This is what my dream meant."


"I had a dream about Eywa saying that many of her children will die because of humans," I told him and tears began to form in my eyes as a familiar sense of guilt greets me.

"Hey," Neteyam turned my face to him. "It's not your fault, and I doubt that it is something you can stop. Eywa has permitted this to happen." He said it as if he had just read my mind.

I smiled weakly, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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